Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!

I’m just surprised you didn’t notice the way you two have been acting. The lack of interaction between you two makes things even more suspicious


Accused Votes Count
Alice Bazingaboy 1/9
Firekitten Sam17z, htm, Solic 3/9
PoisonedSquid CloverPlayer, Blizer 2/9
Wazza Alice 1/9
Sam17z Firekitten, BlueSt0rm22, PoisonedSquid 3/9
Marluxion Captain 1/9

This kind of reminds me of noughts and crosses when I was on a scumteam with max.

I drew a line between us and max to distance, I don’t know how to explain it.

I wasn’t in that game

Go read it, I buddied with cookie and max buddied wih unlnown. We were at each other’s throat and we basically drew a line.

I can’t exactly see a Solic/Sam17z scumteam here, to be honest. This is either a V/V or V/W dynamic as Solic is too close to Sam17z for both of them to be wolves.

What do you think of squid trying to draw a line in the sand?

I mean, a LW/W dynamic is possible, but since we don’t exactly need to lynch the traitor then I’d say if either flips scum the remainder wouldn’t be a priority lynch here.

If Solic/Sam17z is V/V, then Squid is likely village as well. I don’t necessarily see this statement coming from her if she’s a wolf as it’d make no sense, to be honest.

However, I don’t exactly like the level of confidence in her conditional statement here, so if Solic/Sam17z is V/W then it may be good for us to focus her.

Wdym it doesn’t make sense? I would say that… From that statement if squid was scum I would see solic as the scum partner as they wouldn’t have to push or lynch their mafia member if sam flipped town.

Why is no one voting Bazingaboy?

Start with the assumption that both Solic and Sam17z are village.

Assuming that is the case, then a hypothetical wolf!Squid would know that neither of them are in the same scum team with her and then her conditional here,

If Sam flips scum, then it’s no doubt that Solic is on his scumteam

Would be immediately false, ergo no reason for her to post the rest of the conditional statement.

In short. If Solic and Sam17z are both town, then Squid is also likely town. If either Solic or Sam17z flips scum, then the above premise is invalidated.


Because excessive emphasis on tinfoils and sticking to them is his town AI behavior.

Compare how he played 6d6 and NFoL and then compare how he’s playing this match so far.

It’s also identical to his scum and 3P behavior. See FOL 16 pre reroll and NFoL. That means nothing

Also my question wasn’t meant to be a “Hey start voting Bazingaboy”

It was more
“How is no one reading his actions as scummy?”

Preoccupation with a separate topic, I suppose could be one reason, which also makes me wonder if all of this arguing between whether or not Traitor should be sac’d (which I still stand my by position) could have just been a cover that attracted attention.

His votes in NFoL were far more wild flailing than 6d6 and how he’s playing here. Additionally, in SFoL33 he also death-tunnel M, Firekitten, and Mathblade nonstop as well. In FoL16 pre-reroll he was also more fluid on his accusations as we’ll see below.

And this is before he got the tinfoil that I was the NK, which didn’t last long as the game was soon rerolled due to a mod error.

Because unfortunately his town-tell is sticking to obnoxious tinfoils. I’ll see how his view progress, but right now I am sadly townreading him for this shit.

Alice I’m not asking for a read specifically on Bazinga

I saw that quick edit. >->