Ritual Mafia 2 - Heretics and The Elementalist Win!


Because excessive emphasis on tinfoils and sticking to them is his town AI behavior.

Compare how he played 6d6 and NFoL and then compare how he’s playing this match so far.

It’s also identical to his scum and 3P behavior. See FOL 16 pre reroll and NFoL. That means nothing

Also my question wasn’t meant to be a “Hey start voting Bazingaboy”

It was more
“How is no one reading his actions as scummy?”

Preoccupation with a separate topic, I suppose could be one reason, which also makes me wonder if all of this arguing between whether or not Traitor should be sac’d (which I still stand my by position) could have just been a cover that attracted attention.

His votes in NFoL were far more wild flailing than 6d6 and how he’s playing here. Additionally, in SFoL33 he also death-tunnel M, Firekitten, and Mathblade nonstop as well. In FoL16 pre-reroll he was also more fluid on his accusations as we’ll see below.

And this is before he got the tinfoil that I was the NK, which didn’t last long as the game was soon rerolled due to a mod error.

Because unfortunately his town-tell is sticking to obnoxious tinfoils. I’ll see how his view progress, but right now I am sadly townreading him for this shit.

Alice I’m not asking for a read specifically on Bazinga

I saw that quick edit. >->

What I mean is

He has like 6 posts
One of which is a vote 2 minutes into the game

If he’s town, he is so easy to push a valid mislynch on as scum here.

Why is no one trying that? I think this is worth discussion

Let’s try our hands at an associative read here

that was the most guilty I’ve ever felt from saying the wrong name lel. ACTUAL 100% accident

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tbh, i saw it as Null, but, hes not actually pushing the tinfoil here, which is something to note. Your not wrong though, this is something to look at.

Also, this is a good line of thinking tbh.

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May I propose an additional theory here?

Take a brief look at the player list.

How many of these players do you believe would genuinely attempt to skillfully push mislynches as wolf?

We’re dealing with an unique situation here due to the sheer amount of passive and Level 1 players in this match.

This is an interesting theory but why did he vote Alice?

It could be SvT or TvT, but what if he immediately tried to distance from a scumbuddy upon seeing his scum team?

Something to keep in mind since he isn’t pushing her Lynch at all.

I don’t think pushing on low hanging fruit is a high level play

Which is why I’m surprised it’s not happening here

It’s like a stagnant vote. It’s there, but it doesn’t do anything

I disagree, I would think LV 1 scums would. People who are good at scum want to be Town read and they won’t be Town read by trying to push them

Thank you local geologist


We had three players here whose opening posts were essentially saying that d1 lynching is bad.