[RP] So it Seems {SignUps}

Feel free. Make him a soviet spy if you will.

I care about specificity, except not in the context of this rp, right now.

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Aww. >_>
I’m hurt.

You were already hurt. On the inside.

Commander Shurian has died from internal bleeding.

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Hidden God Magnus has earned 49999 EXP.

Shucks on you this is an RP
Hidden God Magnus has been found by the Game Master.

The Game Master uses The Finger.

nice title.

That is another person, a split personality!
You have no power here

Magnus uses Unbreakable Morals.

Shit, my one w-
Wait, this ain’t real life

The GM uses, Command

/kick Magnus

Magnus uses /Table slam
Ragey noises.

Get’s back on the horse.
/Forge Receive Envelope.

Magnus does not have administrative rights.

i’m kinda stuck on how to continue, you mind giving me a quick rapid fire with someone?

All 3 guys are stuck huh…

maybe the other half of the tank operator they’ll be assigned to
i’m not picky

Watch me.

Some say this actually happened, but the GM reversed time.

Uh, what the heck. I’ll continue playing, but expect me to be off alot.
like, A Lot.