RRM3 - Mafia Chat

It’d secure the blackjack role as mafia however I believe htm is claiming another role.

No, why would you do that.

It’d restrict town of discussing what roles they are and prevent them from getting reads.

We are trying to have a tie or majority on Centuries. That ruins that chance for no benefit.

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Yeah, I can be on near EOD.

/Prequeue Blackjack 30 minutes before EoD

I’m getting more and more hope that this can work. ^^

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Welp my bf is grumpy and wants to sleep early… aaahhhhh. I don’t know how to handle this. XD

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I guess I’m setting an alarm and taking their wrath on me fml.

Don’t forgot about this for the love of God :smile:

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sips tea

I think I might forget

Nah I’ll never forget…

@Htm you here?

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I forgot about the blackjack, thanks solic :eyes:

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/unqueue blackjack

4 minutes were left

yep I didn’t do anything

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Htm come on, I went to the bathroom after my bf did a very questionable hmmmmm

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I almost forget lol

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They weren’t aware I had set an alarm, because I don’t think they’d understand this reason.

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