RRM3 - Mafia Chat

Town Evil Mastermind

You are the Evil Mastermind, aligned with the Town! You have the following ability.
The Evil Mastermind is a role who can potentially perform one of two night actions each night . If the Evil Mastermind does not already have a living Evil Minion, they can choose to recruit one. If the Evil Mastermind does have an Evil Minion, they or their Evil Minion can kill someone. They also have a private chat with their Evil Minion. When a player becomes the Evil Minion, they will lose their previous role if a member of the town. To be clear, the Evil Mastermind is not forced to recruit someone if they do not have a living Evil Minion. Also, if the Evil Mastermind dies, this will result in causing any living Evil Minion to die as well. The Evil Mastermind can choose whether they or the Evil Minion will be the one carrying out a kill (and thus be able to be tracked).
Goal: Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals who seek to do you harm

Centuries is my minion.

@Mercenary I don’t die if Centuries dies right?

We vote now @Htm

Yep. You continue to live and can pick another evil minion.

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11 minutes before eod


We are voting Centuries right?

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They can’t stop it, at best it’s RNG now. Perhaps we should have waited longer, but I didn’t want to take the risk Merc randomly would put EoD at 3 am.

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Instead of exactly 3:10

9 minutes remain…

Hopefully they don’t come on.

Okay, I go to sleep now again. See ya on the flipside. Gg wp.

7! :smile:
7, not 5040.

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now I can finally like this


Wait what

Who tf is MrEevee7



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no its me!
I was him all along, disguised as a platypus

you are all BLIND