Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Tone, reactions.
Idk she kinda just feels pure.
I feel like sheā€™s a bit cautious but not in a wolfy way.
And sheā€™s also not overly confident, but, I feel like as a mafia member sheā€™d be a bit more confident than town on average?

i think i remember chloe saying she hasnā€™t played very many wolfgames

why do you think sheā€™d be more confident as mafia

i donā€™t know personally but i feel like sheā€™d be more confident as town


/unvote I like u more now arctic

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EliThePsycho Atlas, Marluxion 2/9
ArcticXI lol 1/9
SirDerpsAlot Chloe 1/9
Mistyx Appelsiini 1/9
BlueLance PokemonKidRyan 1/9
Appelsiini clonedcheese 1/9
Not voting ArcticXI, BlueLance, Marshal, Mistyx, SirDerpsAlot, min, Yellow, Wazza, EliThePsycho, Hippoyeetus 10

been there i feel you

Appel town
I understand all of these


Even I dont know wjy im gutreading chloe scum
How the hell do you agree to that
This just feels opportunistic/pockety

*/vote hippo @Aelin

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You didnā€™t bold it so the vote didnā€™t count get rekt Iā€™m invulnerable

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I donā€™t like how everyone is spamvoting constantly, I swear every game Iā€™ve been in with this happening, Town just lose. Not a cause at all, just mentioning it. Everyone keeps switching onto someone then switching off after a few seconds (in a non-meme vote style).

My votes are strong convictions :frowning:

/vote hippo @Aelin

Bolded this time

I mean, thatā€™s kinda normal in mafia games isnā€™t it?
The only reason to just unvote and wait a while is if you have no clue who else can be mafiaā€¦
But if youā€™re unvoting someone then you donā€™t think theyā€™re mafia so surely you have someone else in mind.

Idk if Iā€™m just on a stupid spiel rn but like, I donā€™t see the problem in spam voting if itā€™s not a meme thing.

No ones doing that

/vote Wazza

/vote EliThePsycho

/vote wazza


fuck you, wazza

/vote Wazza @Aelin

Just seven more votes quick hammer gogogogogogogoo

Gm guys

Time to reab chloe

Cuz I see some ppl have mixed opinions on her