Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I can assure you, it isn’t

can i angleshoot myself as not w/w with eli or is that illegal, i’m not in a state that lets me know right from wrong

What does angleshoot even mean

using stuff from outside of the game to influence your reads, aka cheating but with a fun name to make ourselves feel cooler

but i don’t really want to talk about that, i shouldn’t have made that post anyways, i’ve come to my senses

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Anyway, ignoring that

I guess not

as for this

or atlas/eli, i lean relatively heavily towards the latter to be honest

I don’t think you/vul is specifically likelier than you/eli, but I think you/vul is possible

Nothing really points against it, vul had been sort of setting up a you push but dropped it and has been charitable towards you as of recent, and his vote on eli (which i still haven’t re-read for progression but i’m sure exists regardless of alignment) fits in a you/him wolf/wolf world.

You could both always be mafia, nothing points specifically for it at the moment
The only thing that points against it interactions wise is your vote on vulgard, which seems like an awfully weak bus if it is in fact a bus and something that doesn’t really make sense in a partnered world.

The other reason i’d say it’s unlikely is that I think vulgard has been >rand villager all game and still is, and you obviously cannot be teamed with vulgard if he is town

The latter means the first right?

Marshal, Marshal, Marshal. It’s simple. Elementary, even. If you open your heart, your mind, nay - your very soul, the truth will come to you. Philosophers debated this question in the great forums of Athens, but even they were too closed-minded to understand the truth. The greatest thinkers of the modern era have grappled with this question. Hobbes, Locke, Descartes, Nietzche, Einstein, Watterson - all have buckled under the weight of the intellectual burden, because they too did not understand the truth.

My villager alignment is not something you learn - it’s something you already know.

latter is 2nd, former is first

No thats the former

Yeah i mixed it up

unfortunately for you I know none of these names


juuust kidding

isn’t watterson the calvin and hobbes guy actually

hey wait
i know that guy

there’s a fun song about him that @Icibalus and possibly @Mistyx are familiar with


he’s Locke-wolf

Whenever i think of locke i think of payday