Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

We don’t have enough information, Arete shouldn’t vote.


disclaimer this is a joke please don’t get offended anyone ;-;

let it rand

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good morning

it seems that ~Nothing has happened since my beauty rest

if vulgard is a wolf and arete votes eli then the game is just over

it doesn’t rlly matter who arete votes if this is w/w
guess it’s a question of if arete thinks that me/eli or vulgard/atlas (or me/atlas, technically, that is something that Can Theoretically Exist) is likelier


@arete ping me if you have any questions, otherwise im gonna play minecraft and maybe meme in thread a bit

Host is gonna mcfucking pass out
See ya

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hi Eli

can you do this please

i don’t even remember half of my reasonings
i mean,i can try, but don’t expect it to be good

alright, i’m going to fall asleep within an hour

I assume i’m not getting a vote before then so i’m going to do that thing where I sleep but it kind of sucks because i’m anxious



I think I’ve done Enough work things that I can reasonably focus just on the game for now

(no my boss doesn’t demand I work 14 hour days, I just woke up at like 1 PM)

the MU article on worst misexes recommends that if you hold the hammer you try talking out loud

so I’m going to do that for a bit

I’ll assume thats about the game, and talk

Is there anything you wish to ask me?

Im all ears, if you do


as much as you can tell me about your process this game, how you were approaching it, what you were thinking each day, that sort of thing