Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I think he would probably need some form of encouragement to keep wim up d1 because iirc he loses it pretty easily regardless of alignment

but as I said we already have a flipped wolf who could provide that so I don’t think any “Eli needed to have a fun partner to break his d1 meta” type of read is really applicable


in the past I feel like when people have snowed me by breaking their meta there’s usually been some sort of reason

not necessarily ‘there was someone on their team pushing them to’ but e.g. when Italy snowed me in ToL FM (? I think? I don’t remember for sure) it was because he was specifically being petty about people acting like he was an easy read, and had expressed that frustration previously

and I feel like we could maybe get somewhere by identifying potential causes and figuring out if any fit, where by ‘we’ I mean ‘you’ because I’m about to sleep

or maybe I’m just being dumb and when I wake up I’ll be like ‘what were you thinking, pastrete’

I’m okay with getting voted out today. The problem is that you need to get the next three yeets perfect.

Can you do that? I know you can’t promise me you can do that, but I need some kind of assurance before I agree to this. I gave you a PoE, so in theory, you have an over 50% chance every day to kill a wolf. This is unless I miscleared someone.

I really think Eli is town here. That said, I won’t complain if people re-evaluate that, because re-evaluating makes sense. Just don’t get bogged down by tinfoil.

he did that in Harry Potter FM (at least thats when he did it to me :wowee:)

Im not going to spend my time trying to go through every interaction eli’s had with someone in this game where they may have subtly dissed him and turned him into the syndrome of the forum mafia universe.

Im also ~about to sleep but this realistically doesn’t seem super helpful. We can’t figure out his motivations and hypothesizing about why someone might want to try harder d1 to look good as wolf is probably not a good use of time and also probably not easy while im tired

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Vulgard Arete, Atlas, Mistyx 3/6
SirDerpsAlot Marshal, Vulgard 2/6
Marshal SirDerpsAlot, Hippoyeetus 2/6
Blizer EliThePsycho 1/6
Arete ArcticXI 1/6
Not voting Blizer 1
Joe Mama HippoYEETus 6/9

Day ends in 9 hours, at 2021-06-10T16:00:00Z.
Ping me for new or incorrect votes.

Also, your take is inconsistent. If Eli is a villager and I’m clearing him here, I’m depriving myself of a misyeet option in a PoE that’s already tight. It makes more sense to assume I’m a wolf defending him, because then I win earlier and have to fight for one fewer misyeet to happen.

I’m a villager, but.

The only thing I have left to do is to find one villager in Arete/Atlas/Blizer/Derps, to make the PoE exact. I suppose I can try to do that.

im counterwagon

Marshal, the reason I’m playing this by PoE is multi-layered.

  • You don’t believe me @ Arete anyway.
  • People think I’m mafia.
  • I’m likely to get yeeted today despite 200-posting today alone.

The best kind of legacy I can leave is a precise PoE with my green flip in play. One you can follow to win the game. Which is why I’ve been building one, and my thought process on it is more transparent than ever. I made sure not to do my thinking in my notes because people scumread me for that a lot.

A legacy of me tunneling Arete isn’t helpful. Especially when there’s a chance Arete’s town. Yes, I said they were 100% mafia, but that was before their case on me.

If Eli’s mafia, Marl has only pushed wolves the entire game, unless Atlas/Blizer are both mafia. Wolves + 1 villager in Chloeslot, from which he backed off.

I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it’s improbable.

I don’t think playing by PoE is specifically wolfy but I feel like you’ve been prevaricating around the arete stuff with your takes

I still don’t really know where you stand on them and what your response to their read on you is, I know you have them as wolf by PoE but still could be town but I can’t gather much beyond that and seeing as their posts focus a lot on you I feel like there should be something more solid there.

But if you want to do what you’re doing then go ahead. My vote stays where it is

I think arete/blizer/derps is the team that makes the most sense (considering v!you as a given) because derps is mafia, blizer has been playing relatively underwhelmingly as far as reads content and his dayplay makes sense in w/w worlds with derps, and I think atlas is townier than arete (and I think arete could be trying to distract from a derps elim with your push and then hoping they can bring it home in lylo)

but it’s your solving so I’m not gonna strongarm my takes into it

I was confident in them being mafia for a while. The read has subsided a bit since, considering their case on me didn’t look like it was written in bad faith. I can recognize wolf!Arete cases, written in bad faith. While I am still leaning wolf overall, this made me re-evaluate my tunnel and choose to solve by PoE instead.

The reason Arete is at the back of the PoE is because they belong to fewer worlds than Derps, Blizer, and Atlas. I also think Derps/Blizer/Atlas contains two wolves always, so moving Arete to the back of the yeet order doesn’t risk us losing the game. I’ve already argued why I believe Eli’s town, and I’ve gone over the ways we can lose the game with my yeet order. The risk is small enough.

The problem is that it assumes I don’t get yeeted, and since I flip V, you will have to find one more villager in said PoE after my yeet. Which is why I’ll try to do that if I have time.

this is hard
why are reads hard

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i cant decide who is mafia after derps
maybe blizer but then like wtf???//

youuuu guys have fun figuring it out
good bye and good night ladies and gentlemen and arete

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I’m not sure why you find Blizer/Derps unreasonable. Blizer has spent the entirety of today avoiding Derps and pushing almost every other slot. The other person he left out is Atlas. He even tried to expand the PoE at some point by shoehorning Eli into it.

ok I know I said I was going to sleep but I just checked my phone and this take is ??? enough that I’m pointing it out rather than sleeping


wolves do not exclusively townread wolves and not villagers, I’ve seen you towncase villagers as a wolf. there is literally no player I have ever seen who, as a wolf, townreads exclusively wolves, it just does not happen.

as for why you would do that in a W!you V!Eli works, just off the top of my head, you might be trying to generate content to look like you’re trying to solve (which casing a villager as a villager is an easy low risk way to do), or to pocket Eli, or to associate Eli with you, or because … Eli looks W/W with one of your partners, or something? ranked roughly in order of likelihood given the premises

anyways I sleep now

Your thinking is really linear this game and it makes me scumread you.

It also feels like you haven’t read a single thing I’ve posted for the past ~16 hours. My last ~30 posts are the towniest I’ve written in this entire game.