Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

vote no-elim before you sleep

actually nvm

youā€™ll probably be around before EoD

I was planning to.

/vote No-Elimination @Aelin


ā€¦Nice crosspost.

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before you go to sleep can you explain what you were trying to figure out by asking this

Iā€™m still entertaining a world where I just vote you because I level myself from voting Eli or Atlas. By giving me the first vote, you are giving me unlimited power, so I wanted to figure out how you were planning to play the situation if I did vote you. Really, I was just hoping for something alignment indicative, but I canā€™t say I got it.

I mean

if you are town then ā€˜how I would play the situationā€™ would only matter if I were scum, because if youā€™re town and vote me then wolves just quickhammer and win

I have a point here but Iā€™m having a hard time articulating it

Basically, I thought the way you would present your perspective could potentially point me toward your alignment. It didnā€™t.


This is cute

Sometimes I forget that arete is cute

Still not on pc cuz lol


Voted Voter Count
No-elimination Arete, Vulgard, Atlas 3/4
Not Voting everyone else lol 3

no-elim can be hammered to end the day early just an fyi

I donā€™t see why we should continue this, 5 left is the only one which means anything

Ill do your voting shenanigans later

/vote No-Elimination @Aelin

@No-Elimination, youā€™re on L-1 with a redcheck on you
how do you plead?

Voted Voter Count
No-elimination Arete, Vulgard, Atlas 3/4
Not Voting Eli, Marshal, Hippoyeetus 3

Please for the love of god donā€™t hammer I have more I want to say, Iā€™m not comfortable leaving the day as is

Iā€™m too tired to continue tonight
Which sucks
And Iā€™m plausibly gonna be driving tommorow for 6 hours if my parents are too hungover to

But I want to say more

And when does day end again??

9 pm cst tommorow (about 23 hrs)


imagine having someone hammer when you still have something you want to say

that would suck, wouldnā€™t it