Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

We have the exact same stance on Marshal, except you think she’s more likely town than I do, while acknowledging similar facts.

That take actually makes Marshal and Eli look like wolves with agenda, while lol and Atlas were free-flowing villagers.

Hmm. Mrr?

This is a weird read but I don’t think a wolf starts the day like this.

I love Appel so much.


Yikes. This is about Appel. I know I pushed “Appel wolf!!!” at EoD 1 as well, but still yikes.

Can’t even spell ‘apelsin’ correctly.

That… what?
I thought it looked amazing for her. This is an oddly different interpretation.

Marshal proceeds to only townread town PRs and wolves/potential wolves.

2 wolves here? Kinda doubting it. I know Marshal can be a villager saying this, but she’s oddly disinterested in reading them specifically. Her treatment of Derps has consistently been “shrug, can die” despite hard vetoing my townread on him before. Her posting about Atlas hasn’t been very aggressive in either direction, either.

Lol’s towncore suddenly gets worse overnight, idk if AI.

…Towny mindset? Kinda hard to rid yourself of wolf self-awareness entirely.

Idk if this is W/W. Maybe?

never actually does it

Idk if Marshal bothering with the post below is AI.

This is hard.

Aaaa I hate this so much, especially since her reads are also hard wolfsides.


Tying lol to his partner.
Still think it’s >rand not W/W with lol.

This part is not partner indicative.

Eh, tunneling on this read is NAI. The lack of reasoning given is also NAI at this point.

Note the wagon speed on lol.
I keep seeing signs of lol being Just Town.


Idk if this is a towny reaction to min’s tracker claim.



Marshal feels like she’s… overreacting? Is this AI? I don’t know if this is AI.

What?? What?? What. What.
It sounds like she believes this, and she also walks away from her townread on Marl super quickly, despite first attempting to defend said read. And one of her thoughts is to declare that she looks better for it, in some weird way.


Oh, so suddenly this is something that looks good for Marshal, even though she buried that read under a Marl townread for quite a while? Weird how she instantly pulls out that card to make herself look better with Marl outed. And funny how she instantly assumes Marl is outed and that min’s check is real. I know the way she talks about it sounds like she just believes the check, but still, feels a little… quick. Especially considering Marl was one of her top townreads. The quick flip and declaring herself town from Marl being a wolf feels opportunistic.

Idk if anyone else feels that way but this post doesn’t look like a real thought. It’s like she’s pretending to consider the other world but her mind is already set.

Is it possible she’s a villager and giving some thought to the other world? Absolutely. But I still don’t like how quickly she abandoned her V read on Marl. Didn’t even take two posts, even though Marl had been one of her top townreads.

This is ~fine.

Marshal spending so much effort on these posts makes me wonder about “tryharding wolf”. Idk. Probably just NAI.


This isn’t village AI, Marshal has to admit that because Appel had had an interaction with Marl that made her look super unpartnered, no matter how one were to slice it.

This doesn’t look like a secret PR read in isolation? She’s comparing him to UPick and I don’t think he was an important PR there, just town.

Keeping Atlas in PoE is ~fine.

The fact she recognizes this is good, though.

This is also alright.

I like lol’s d2 less than I like his d1, for uncertain reasons. His posting is hard to read.

This is true. Not sure if AI.

I think this part is actually very towny.

I’m… surprised Marshal points this out, then we still misyeet PKR D3? This is actually an excellent point.

I actually don’t think this defense of Derps is wolfy, the way she’s handling it feels fine.


Not wrong.

Woah there.

Idk if this is wolfy. I’ve called this towny a few times I think.

Her clearing Appel and then pushing this narrative to defend her feels towny.

I like Marshal’s d2 a lot more than her d1 so far, though there are still some problems.

I feel like if Marshal is town I’d have a much easier time finding her if she didn’t openwolf or post as if she has TMI every second post.

I’m starting to understand why Arete thinks it’s Eli/Atlas.

Marshal and katze are peas in a pod in that respect. It’s so frustrating to deal with.

Marshal re-evaluates her reads and yet continues to wolfside with them.
Mine weren’t much better, but I’m not evaluating myself here - I’m evaluating Marshal.

I think Marshal wasn’t actually defending PKR after all, in that one post where she says Marl implied PKR town without saying it.

Yeah. Retracting that part.

Marshal continues to feel like she’s super tryharding this game, and her reads being such a wolfside when she’s tryharding more than anyone else continues to concern me.

This is the part I find unlikely coming from W/W, because I’ve never seen a wolf claim their partner is the neighborizer while knowing who the real neighborizer is. That’s pretty weak reasoning, but.

Why does it once again sound like Marshal is openwolfing?


This is so frustrating.


Like, I want to believe in an Eli/Atlas world but I also think Atlas’s posts are… villagery…


3 for 3.
Why did the villagers with good reads have to get nightkilled or replaced out :frowning:

Can I call Hippo “Hippolo” going forward?

I guess not, though.

I shouldn’t be spending time on this. I just love Zori.

I think today and yesterday have actually been my towniest days by far.

I don’t know about that anymore.

Wagon composition: Mistyx, Atlas, Derps, Eli.

I think I was converted to town a few days back and was a lost wolf before that.

Still think it was very convenient, I never really walked that back I think. The question is whether it was convenient on purpose or not. I disliked Marshal’s progression on Marl, including the moment Marl was outed. I did like her switch to solving based on preflipping Marl red (which was fine to do since he openwolfed), but I don’t think I liked it enough to outweigh the Marl progression beforehand.

Not really W/W, is it?

Goddamn is this hard. I don’t know if backreading the whole game is actually helping me much.

Actually, I think it could be W/W. It’s Marshal.

There’s also the fact this happens right after.

Eli is actively not taking a stance on me vs Marshal, I brought this up before.


I still think Marshal’s responses to me there were bad and looked like a wolf caught for the wrong reasons, at least they felt that way in the moment. Looking back, I kinda see it, though.

This part, especially, felt very wolfy. Still does.

Fyi once Arete/Marshal and others return to the thread I’ll be placing my vote, I see no reason to prolong this. Maybe.

speaking of the devil

I will reiterate that all of the openwolfing stuff is just something I do because I think it’s funny

I can pull up v games and try to find examples if it’d calm your nerves

I’m aware it makes me look bad but i’m trying to do it enough to where people realize it’s NAI

The self-awareness is so painful to me.

These posts are kinda wolfy.

I hope this isn’t true.


Yet again, Marshal/lol not W/W because of blatant and significant stance / plan / agenda differences. …I think.

I actually agree. It’s weird. But idk if it’s wolfy.

I know you do it a lot, and it realistically should be NAI, but it makes you insanely hard to find as V, unless you’re a PR or you’re playing a rare omega villagery game.

My rebuttal to Arete saying Marshal/Eli aren’t W/W is something like “but it’s Marshal, she talks that way to everyone.”

I’d argue i’m playing the ‘rare omega villagery game’, even if my reads prob don’t quite back it up

im p sure i’ve had a super bitchy post like that to every player in the game besides maybe arete lol, I wish ppl would just called me spewed v cuz im not w/w with everyone but alas :pensive:

Like, if I were to call people’s alignments based on day 1 alone (and some people argue day 1 is the most important), I’d say Marshal/Eli are the wolves because their day 1 was the wolfiest among the players left alive right now. Day 1 is when the wolves are still trying to find their footing, so backreading day 1 is very important, because many wolves may out themselves then.

Eli’s reads are based on stuff that doesn’t make people wolves, and some aren’t even real scumreads. He dislikes people AtEing and votes them for that reason alone. His posts are unimpressive overall.

In the meantime, Marshal spends most of the day wolfsiding, and her EoD consists of making herself and some flipped wolves look as good as possible. Hardline pushing Marl town regardless of CRich’s alignment, hammering CRich early when Eli is a viable CW (and I think Derps is as well), suggesting Derps as a vig target but also adding PKR into the mix to mix it up, and not pushing it very hard - if Derps gets shot, she gets credit, but she’s not 100% bussing.

Going further into the game, it’s more muddied. I still keep finding reasons to townread Atlas, though (despite a few wolfy posts here and there). Their brief push on Zori looks weird, but not wolfy. I don’t think someone at their experience performs performative pushes - I don’t think even the idea of a push purely for performativeness makes its way into a newbie’s head.

Lol has a pretty towny day 1 and very pro-town takes throughout the day for the most part, other than the ‘apelsin’ push.

I can’t rlly address the whole ‘wrong reads’ stuff, overall my effect on the game has probably still been realistically +EV for town even with my reads being p bad? Derps was not really in danger of being caught that day phase yet I still got that one, I managed to lock hippo v despite some people in thread clearly being against him. I’m aware my play, especially early game is bad. Not much I can say to that besides “it gets better, I guess”

As for the openwolfing, you know it’s NAI, I’m not exactly sure how it makes you harder to find, i’d rather you look at the content of my posts that aren’t done as either alignment, even if they’re annoying to u or whatever they’re p easy to skip over

also this is an outright accusation of pkr, wolves want to insinuate partners are town but might be afraid to outright say it so i thought the post was p bad look for him

The argument I could see for wolf Atlas is that all of their pushes and mechanical posts looked like there wasn’t a strong belief in them, just that Atlas wanted to look like they were doing something productive. Their constant calling themselves dumb could also be a narrative they’re pushing because they want to go under the radar, and them questioning townreads on them could be because they want to look like they aren’t coasting.

Yeah, I realized that in a later post and noted it.

These aren’t mutually exclusive. Performative =/= illusion of productivity. Performative implies theatrical behavior.

The distinction doesn’t really matter, w/e.