Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

im ready for u to vote whenever, atp i think you should go atlas but shrugze

finish your backreading i guess, i’ll respond to everything i find relevant

I don’t think I will backread past this point, but we’ll see.

One more point: Atlas and Eli have done by far the least to help us solve this game, especially in the last few days. I feel like that might mean something. And it’s not like either was under much pressure until recently, so the “tired of this game” argument doesn’t hold water. I’m bringing this up because I misyeeted Whysper in a f4 on that basis, and didn’t recognize the fact she wasn’t posting much because she was tired of getting tunneled all game, and it was understandable.

I’m partial to the idea of eli/atlas crossvoting, especially since you seem to think I’m town.

that requires more waiting but i’m okay with that as well

Eli/Atlas don't read
seriously don't read
i think they might be w/w

If one of Marshal/Arete is a wolf here, they played a great game all things considered.

I might as well reveal that I was planning to vote between Eli/Atlas today. Therefore, I am partial to having them crossvote.

i think eli/atlas crossvote almost never ends game

where we go after it is tougher, I’d personally prob rather have vul go next… I feel like if he is villager it’s honestly likeliest that eli/atlas is the team whereas I can technically see him as a wolf with either eli or atlas

this is tough, I don’t know how to phrase this to not push wolves into voting one way or another when i’m really trying not to while also getting across what i want

I’m also tiptoeing around saying certain stuff because I don’t want wolves to make certain nightkills in certain worlds.

Because assuming we get today correct, I want the most advantageous f3 possible.

I have resigned myself to the fact that by constantly saying how pepega I have been I have basically cursed myself to be in f3, but I have preferences for who I’d rather be there with depending on the flip we get today.

im feeling p sick, am gonna lay back down and play some videogames or something thinking is too hard rn

I’m waiting for people to get online, and then we’re having Eli and Atlas crossvote. Then, we see if the game ends (it shouldn’t).

why must you tempt me

eli you should vote atlas

Atlas, you should vote Eli because I said so.

right now?

i was gonna do it anyways, but

right now works

Let’s see if we lose the game, I guess.

…i suppose so
i thought vul was going to vote first but weh