Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Uncertainty! A long break from forum mafia has ended for me recently. Not only that, but the last towngame I played was a game where I put three wolves in townzone and defended them from villagers. I did come around eventually, but it was almost too late. Two wolf yeets were forced past me by other villagers (thank those villagers for doing that! They are real heroes) and I considered “hm, maybe my reads are just bad,” then followed consensus.

There are many examples of me doing that in this game, though my progression may not show that. The reason my progression does not show that is that I am a villager and do not care what my progression looks like. As a wolf, I find it much more important to have a clear progression.

One example is my flip on PKR; I internally decided “maybe Arctic is right and I’m a moron for opposing it.” Yes, you can say “Vul had this reasoning saved to blame Arctic for PKR’s V flip,” but bear with me. Arctic is a PR now and I can’t blame him for anything. “oOoooOOo, wolf Vul sad a misyeet went away.” Shush.

Other examples are boing boing opinion changes on slots like lol, even Arete. And yes, they coincidentally match with the wolf agenda if I’m a wolf, but that’s me being bad at villaging and not me pushing agenda. Arete’s read on me assumes I’m still decent at villaging, despite my last towngame being abysmal and me trying not to repeat that (and obviously failing, given we’re in f10 and we’ve failed to get any wolves other than a redchecked Marl).

(also ftr I feel like ‘this is just because I play differently now’ is a questionable argument when I directly compared it to a recent village game that you specifically gave us as recent-villagegard-meta)

Can’t you find a better defense than self-meta?


Yeah, I can’t. What am I supposed to do here? I’m a villager, I know I’ve played poorly, and I can’t defend my actions. They don’t make much sense to me, either, given the arguments others have presented. But I know I’m a villager, and I did these things. Makes it hard to defend myself, so I’ve been trying to spend that time examining worlds and trying to solve the game. Too bad ‘effort’ doesn’t equate to ‘results’ in FM.

My read on DaisyCloud in that game is a perfect example of what’s happening to many of my reads in this game. Track my DaisyCloud progression in that game and it looks like I’m townreading her when she yells at me, while scumreading her when she stops yelling at me. You could make the argument I’m doing that to her because I’m a wolf and I’m prodding at her when I can get away with it. But I was a villager.

And before you ask: no, to this day I don’t understand why my read on her flip-flopped so much other than “I hate villaging.”

Oh yeah, in that game I also walk away from a prior townread on Master Radishes, he gets yeeted, and flips town. You could easily call that opportunistic as well and flip me next. But I was a villager doing it. I was sheeping consensus at the time, but that still made my progression look bad.

But I was a villager.

And even these people, who didn’t know me that well, could see that. I wasn’t misyeeted despite abysmal play and wack progression on a couple of slots.

There’s a difference between me pushing agenda and me being bad at finding wolves. If I push agenda, I usually try not to look like a moron, so the thread doesn’t turn on me for pushing villagers for bad reasons.

“Self-meta, aaa!” Wouldn’t most players think this way?

I can give you a rundown of what I would do differently as a wolf in this game, but I understand if it helps no one, so I’ll refrain from doing it unless someone requests it.

You know, implying these are different slots, because they totally are.

Day ends in eight and a half hours.

I feel like this addresses … two at most of my concerns (the flipflopping on reads when convenient + your read changing based on my read on you) but not any of my other concerns

I have a theory for my read on Arete matching their read on me without me consciously thinking about it. There’s some instinctual thing within me that makes me think Arete’s mafia if they’re pushing me when I’m town. Even though every time Arete has randed wolf against me before, they chose the “townread Vul” approach. Again, it makes no sense and I don’t know what I’m doing.

I was trying to make sense and it failed.

That’s me internally changing my mind and not putting it in the thread because it wastes time.

Otherwise known as “desperation” and “trying to Occam’s Razor the game” rather than “not knowing how to fabricate something better.”


Explained above in this post.

Nothing I’ve done this game makes sense outside of my most recent solving.

Can you prove it’s intentional?

I’ve certainly played like a mafia member, but it wouldn’t be the first time I did that as town.

why did you make those posts in the first place if you’re town

alternatively can you give me examples of you chaining misexes as town

or, ‘chaining executions conditional on village flips such that, if the people involved are villagers, it would have been chaining misexes’

not counting obvious things like ‘these two players both claim Cop in Cop9er, if one of them flips Cop then the other one is a wolf’

Tried to preemptively find partners if the yeet target flipped a certain alignment.
I never said I was good at it.


No, not as in “I refuse to answer your questions” but as in “nothing comes to mind that’s recent enough to matter.”

okay but the examples I quoted were posts where you were like ‘if X flips villager then that makes Y a wolf’ and presumably you were not trying to find partners for X in village!X worlds since villagers don’t have partners

Because asking the vig to shoot another town PR instead of a VT is peak townplay and I wanted to test it out.

There is nothing I feel worse about in this game than that terrible associative read.