Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


when you voted Eli, who were you expecting that I would most likely vote?

I expected you to wait.
I didnā€™t know who you would vote.

that was fast

so arete
who are you gonna vote
it seems aelin is preparing the EoD VC

alright im having a sudden wave on nausea, im gonna dip from thread ill come back when im not feeling like im going to die

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the day ends in like

17 hours???

and youā€™re gonna vote soon

I really want you to hammer because i donā€™t want to have to sub out in LyLo cuz i leave on Thursday and on Thursday i wonā€™t have a chance to get online, so

Even if Atlas is mafia, I donā€™t think Atlas is with Marshal, and Arete is confirmed town. Iā€™ve already said as much. Town Eli knows that if Atlas does get flipped, Iā€™m going after Eli next with that mindset, soā€¦ him countering my argument makes sense. Wolf Eli with V!Atlas counters my point forā€¦ no reason, I guess? Like Marshal said. Wolf Eli with W!Atlas counters my point for whatever reason, maybe to look unaligned, idk.

sure why not

Arete has been chosen!

Arete is. . .

A nerd!
This is host confirmed to be absolutely true by the way!

Disclaimer: This is NAI, and any attempts to angleshoot this will be met with laughter


Then again, wolf!Eli with v!Atlas kinda has to counter my point and imply Iā€™m shading my partner, because the alternative is pushing an Atlas/Marshal world, a world Iā€™ve already denied and Eli has never disagreed with me denying.

alright 1 sec imma angleshoot this

disclaimer this is a JOKE

Soā€¦ in the end, I guess Eliā€™s response here isnā€™t really AI? Eli kinda has to go against me because regardless of alignment his mind is set on it being me/Atlas.

If Eliā€™s V and Atlas is W, he better not vote me in f3, though, because then we lose the game. :c


I think Marshalā€™s villagery here.

Eli wonā€™t be around for f3, in this magical world that i am wolf

Cause heā€™s gonna go camping or something

i leave on thursday
which is why i want arete to hammer
so i can snapvote

doesnā€™t matter because I can see us both voting him

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as in, me and Marshal