[SFM] City Of Citizens - Day Four - Town wins!

If you dont get it just look so I dont get quickhammered


Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Marluxion Margaret 1/7
Luxy SweetyCake / Firekitten / PokemonKidRyan / bazingaboy 4/7
hjasik Marluxion / Icibalus / Luxy 3/7

bazinga is the sloth


I come back to see a confusing play

It’s not confusing when you know what’s happening

5 Hours remain until the end of Day One! :mega:

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Well since There is only 3 ppl voting me and there is 5 hours till day ends my idea didn’t work

So i think taking a night nap is fine, we also need to find those mafia

IMO we need to lynch fast and luxy seems like the safest bet IMO RN

@Livicus @Marluxion @Icibalus

for the sake of a lynch
plus ultra

/vote Luxy

okay fine

/vote Luxy

We have 3 hours left PING EVERYONE


We need a lynch, you have been against neutrals before why aren’t you voting them

/vote Luxy


if you mean expansionist that was slayer gambit play

We can’t talk about on going games :eyes:

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Marluxion Margaret 1/7
Luxy SweetyCake / Firekitten / PokemonKidRyan / bazingaboy / Icibalus / Livicus / PoisonedSquid 7/7
hjasik Marluxion / Luxy 2/7

After a quite intense discussion, @Luxy was dragged away by local Police Citizens toward his cell. His execution was performed on same day.

He was…


Charismatic Citizen

Social Role
Once in game, you can reveal yourself as Charismatic Citizen through PM. After revealing, each Night you can recruit somebody to your followers group.

After the verdict was announced, the people found @Htm dead in their own house. After the investigation, it was determined they committed suicide.

He was…


Benevolent Citizen

Offensive Role
Any killing attempts on other players beside yourself would fail until you’re alive. If Townie/Non-Harmful Neutral was lynched you will commit suicide.

Night One has begun. I wish you pleasant dreams. :smiling_imp:

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