[SFM] City Of Citizens - Day Four - Town wins!

“Good morning, fellow Citizens, unfortunately we found @Margaret dead last night. However it was, apparently they were ill on something but traces says they didn’t die to that though”.

She was…


Infected Citizen

Killing Role
Any of your visitors would be infected. They will die after 2 Nights, unless healed, bypassing night immunity.

Day Two has begun! Majority is 5.

so she maf?

I call BS on whatever role suicides from killing a neutral. Also good work Celeste

I just realized flips are NAI, however there was only one kill so it only makes sense
For them to be Town

Also why kill Celeste

Also their death confirms some people are night immune

well it means whoever kiled Celeste will be dead in 2 nights

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No it’s just weird why would mafia kill Celeste.


you have a clue?

No clue. I have two theories that I shall share in a sec

theory one:scum have good players and they didn’t know what to kill.

Theory two:scum had new people and thought Celeste was a god at this game.

Also @SweetyCake answer the question, why aren’t you able to tell.

What alignment is this?

alignments don’t flip upon death.

/vote Firekitten

The anti neut push on Luxy was terrible

It even got HTM killed

Firekitten + Hjasik are two lock scum in my mind

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I still call BS on htm dying for killing a neutral. As well it was better then upping the king right there as if he dies we lose a day if he is GK, and that’s a insta lose.

Also what do you think of sweet not being able to actually tell what alignment he is when it’s blatantly obvious