[SFM] City Of Citizens - Day Four - Town wins!

/vote Cake I don’t think we have a whole lot of time anymore, so I’ll leave this here


Basically we have 10 hours left. Sweet imo is the best lunch

I don’t think Cake and Math interacted much, have they?

Not for lack of trying. I am posting too much as it is.

This is SweetyCake’s last post

It was before I replaced in @PoisonedSquid

I wonder if Sweety and PKR have interacted much (Btw, if Sweety is this inactive, shouldn’t they be pinged right about now?)

I agree they should be. However I don’t see what prompted your sudden shift here Squid. Explain that to me. I have scum kitten dead to rights to where they make up what is likely yet another fake claim and your response is to vote Cake?

I’m just looking at Cake because of their odd behavior during Day 2 asking about how their role card works. To them, it sounds like they have a green and a red card. It seems like they don’t know how which one is which which could cause a scumslip

Math, what do you think of Cake at this point?

You don’t actually tbh, you are literally voting me because I claimed a powerful role in a closed setup. As well I even hinted I was gambiting by that heal comment.

This is my true claim, and plus Sweet Was literally open wolfing.

I think Kitten’s argument for them being scum is good as I said before. However Kitten fake claiming makes me wonder if they are going for an easy mislynch.

Wait if you thought it was good

Then why did you post this,

How about this if Sweet flips town we lynch you? Because I am pretty sure there is a scum between the both of you. Are you THAT sure that Sweet is scum or are you trying to paint sweet as such?

It’s a flipless game with just abilties flipping.

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I posted that because at the front the case was good. Later on your claim and some holes in it came out.

You just said it had holes and you said it was good here

Yes. It is but some things are obviously scum. Hjasik said teammates.

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Yes I did. The case was good and it had holes. Quit taking things out of context. I said in the past it WAS good

Key word WAS

I am trying to ascertain the strnegth of your read and what meat is actually behind it