[SFM] City Of Citizens - Day Four - Town wins!

Wasting Closed Setup Potential REEE

Are you ever going to reveal the Chess Mafia secret Twilight? :eyes:

They already have, look in the chess thread. It’s somewhere there

No, it’s not.

No it isn’t, dont look I’m like 99.9% it’s not


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it’s a trick :slight_smile:

Who knows. But I see you’re fascinated with secrets, my child.

I like the fact my game broke Canned Streak FeelsGoodManClap

This is so meannnnn.

I’m just going to assume there was no secret and you are playing us until you prove it wrong

Teehee :slight_smile:

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I mean if there was no secret would you already know about Chees pieces. :thinking:

Yes, because you listed them in the OP.

And their meaning as well?

There was none to us. You allegedly made it so it can’t be flavour broken, so there can inherently not be anything meaningful there.

You may be right.

Imagine the king being fool

You mean Ici rolling Mad King in bastard FoL?

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Seems good.
