[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

There’s no way to verify that. However, the rest of the EoD does look good for Eevee.

Sorry if I’m coming across as paranoid or pushy I just want to look at other possibilities instead of sheeping you or min like whats happened with the other yeets

Even the EoD before the day ended early

Oh, I understand wanting to consider weird theories. I often do that myself. :slight_smile:

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At least end of day isn’t around the corner yet.

I need to sleep soon I advise not voting until later especially that we have a double voter

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I’ve been wondering about the whole special character theory from ATNo. About Eevee being the brother who defected.

And if you actually looked through flavor you would notice there is one more name there.

That’s also something I said before.

Are you referring to Walton Simons? I did see that. Are you claiming to be that character?

I mean i don’t want to base the whole game off favour arguments but I guess it’s good to understand and come up with ideas… Just make sure it doesn’t become a priority

No, apparently there is more names then I thought.


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But when looking at the flavor text, it does seriously imply that Paul Denton is NSF all along. All the text for them is red and the story seems to indicate he turned against his brother JC. It seems bad for the flavor text to give away someone’s alignment, but maybe Eevee accidentally revealed too much when they told about their character.

I just find it hard to believe Eevee is scum though with all the other stuff they’ve been doing to solve the game.

Whysper, I said multiple times I’m not Paul, lol.

I do believe that this might be NSF flavor, but like… It’s not mine.

Also, Eevee doesn’t seem like the type of person to accidentally give away info like that. It definitely wouldn’t fit into a theory that they’ve been playing a big mind-game with us this whole time.

But you did say you were a Denton, right?


Oh, hmmm. I must have mixed that up. I thought when you talked about your character, it was like another Denton.

So like what is the name of your character then?


I already overdid metagaming tbh.
I’m kinda mad that Soul forced me into this.

It’s first appearing in n2 flavor.
Rolewise it’s extension of agent from deus 3, which was a unique class.

I believe that’s all information you need.

And if you need to check it:

Nerbin’s role.
You can check theirs actions, even if you don’t see full role desc.

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Okay, I think I did see this spreadsheet before, but didn’t realize I could figure out the abilities from the actions. :slight_smile:

But yeah, I see the UNATCO Agent has various abilities.