[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Nah, he can be telling the truth.

We should still hear from them but that’s pretty much correct

The way pkr said things it doesn’t look like a fake reaction test

I think it’s unlikely a vig would out themselves over this. But it’s possible I guess.

He outed himself as vig day 1, lmao.

Why don’t we let it stay in “eevee was shot and didn’t die” situation.

I love it.
It’s perfect for me.

I’m used to people meme claiming day 1 and fake vig threats. Moreso than them claiming at least seriously.

The thing is, if Seth is Bomber, where are his allies that are supposed to be defending him and how did Eevee survive N1? Both of those questions need to be considered today I think. Now to eat lunch.

eevee probably has some sort of passive/ability they asked to be killed after all

How hard his (seths) possible allies defend him/push him/do nothing just depends on the person

you know, letting him defend for himself is an option.

Hey ATNo, you can disarm bombs, right?


Why do you know this

Cause he softed it 1 hour ago?

Oh I must’ve not realized, my bad

What would happen if you disarmed yourself?


Yeah, not gonna say anything more.

It’s just a wild idea.

Probably some scum manipulation role.
I don’t have access to a bomb.

No where on my Rolecard does it say bomb but it does say “Plauge”.