[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

turquoises in syndicate

i have a passive that reflects all votes on me back to the voter and makes them unable to change their vote specifically for you :sunglasses:

I have passive that disables all other passives

I am passively immune to passives that disable other passives

I passively disable all other passives, bypassing disabling immunity.

I use my day ability to silence everyone else for the remainder of today.

I have an ability that can empower one of my other abilities/passives and I empower my passive to be immune to bypasses

You have no power here, fool

Knight CS this fool pls


/Replace Out

F o o l i s h m o r t a l
unsheathes pizza cutter


Uncool. Those are my people.

slurps spaghet


5 more days for this to fill


dab dab

I’m so tempted to in, just to see this hopefully get more traction and be actually played. I’m just scared of lack of time

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This game might not fill in fast enough before mods decide to shut this down, it has deadline of nearly 3 days.

I think the problem is with soooo many games going on active and on signups, it is not fair.

Fuck it, we are gonna get this game played
We should start more mass pings

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