[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Holy Workers union of Rome

okay it’s 5:30 and i think i’ve actually been up longer than katze
which is not a good sign

Ive been up to 7:30 am

my record is 3 days
you poor fool

Why would you do that

to learn the truth

i ventured to the very edge and was told

unspeakable knowledge

that knights don’t exist and shift+enter is really stupid


I mean it is falling right now due to pandemy :^)

i’m going to sleep now
like for real
i promise
i’m not stalling
right now
in 3…2…1…
right now

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Youre still up

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they know :eyes:

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Napoleon’s ISO is an absolute dumpster fire. Starts with memes and continues to meander through the thread by fluffposting. Not sure what he wants to achieve, these are not even reaction tests. More like blending in.

Has no read on Marshal. Wolfreads me for not having a read on Marshal.


Jake’s D1 is tunnelvision on Marshal mostly, after giving a wolflean on Katze which isn’t followed up upon in any meaningful way. Jake keeps toying with his push/read of Marshal, unvoting and voting, talking to him, advocating for others to lynch him, et cetera. Closer to EoD, he just plays around, votes for No Lynch and talks about some mostly meaningless stuff such as “providing evidence he’s a wolf.” His interactions with other players are generally rather reserved. Jake doesn’t engage more deeply with anyone, he just kinda talks to people out of necessity – that’s the impression I get from reading his day 1 ISO.

Has been wolfreading Marshal all day basically and played the majority of the day as if he always wanted to lynch Marshal and was just toying with him. Here, he voteparks on Amelia and claims it’s because of Hippo in an attempt to shift the responsibility onto someone I read as a villager. I really don’t like this.

Jake never addresses the read change on Marshal. He just kinda drops the suspicion outside of the thread and changes the direction of his play for no apparent reason. This leap of progression is odd, considering he took his time with Marshal (he wrote circa 20-25 posts about him and interacted with him), but doesn’t take his time with Amelia (just kinda jumps on the wagon “because he can”).

Then he proceeds to screw around at EoD, voting several times for No Lynch and Amelia. Again, no explanation. This feels like a wolf happy about the wagons being on people outside of his buddies. From a villagery perspective, I have no clue what this is supposed to accomplish. The wolfread on Marshal apparently just… disappears. I don’t know whatever Marshal did to warrant the change, but it feels surreal.

SoD 2. This post suggests that Jake is still wolfreading Marshal. And yet he voted outside of the Marshal wagon for no reason. This makes them look like W/W, and the only reason I’m not saying that’s the case is because 1. lolpreflips and 2. Marshal has a decent chance of flipping town. Still, I don’t know what Jake is doing here. For some reason, Jake is afraid of voteparking on Marshal.

Progression leap. Last time he talked about Katze, he had a wolflean. @JakeTheWolfie Thought process, please.

Jake was not interested in that slot whatsoever until this post. I don’t know why, honestly, and it’s not necessarily AI, but it’s something to consider. Distancing vote? A villager who genuinely didn’t think about this wagon?

Other takeaways from the ISO:

  • Jake asks a ton of questions, but doesn’t commit to interactions and doesn’t give many thoughts of his own. The ones he does give out are frequently silly.

What even. It feels like he’s trying to confuse the thread and get people to answer questions he is not going to follow up upon. The guy has received plenty of responses to these questions, and yet they don’t seem to have influenced his reads or thought progression.

  • The only wagons Jake has voted on are wagons which had already gained traction, and his thought process on these people is really difficult to follow. It’s like he doesn’t really care about the answers he receives, which is wolfy.

  • Jake generally ignores wolfreads on him, and the only thing close to a defense he posted was a short message about always being wolfread. I’m not sure what this means, actually, just a takeaway.

  • Jake brought up the possibility of the nightkill on Luxy meaning something.

The problem is that his thoughts about it don’t lead anywhere. He offers two possibilities without leaning either way or trying to explore them. Just like much of the rest of his play (asking a lot of questions, not committing to interactions), it feels like he is trying to appear as someone who is doing something. Except he is actually not doing much, and it is all a bunch of pretending.

Conclusion: I think Jake is probably a wolf. Can we get a wagon?

/vote JakeTheWolfie

I neglected to mention that Jake’s progression on Marshal seems invisible. First he talks about Marshal as if he has no read, and sometime between that and his further mentions of Marshal, it suddenly shifts to a wolfread and he votes there. Then it shifts to something else again because he votes Amelia instead for no apparent reason.

This is not a villager’s progression to me. There’s no thought process, just senseless screwing around and voteparking on random people who may or may not be villagers. I feel like a slot like his – a wolfread slot – should be trying to do something. But Jake’s ISO made me believe he is just pretending to contribute.

And that’s wolfy.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Arete Emilia 1
katze Derps, Possessed 2
Vulgard PoisonedSquid, Marshal 2
Emilia eevee 1
N.2 Solic, Arete, Icibalus 3
JakeTheWolfie Vulgard 1

The no-lynch is especially baffling. Jake is a DerpsLite type player, though…its hard to determine intent. Id be more surprised if he was contributing reads and trying not to act scummy.

“I kinda agree, but…”

Considering I wolfread you as well, your hesitation to agree or disagree with me about Jake is not a good look from my point of view. If you do agree, why not just vote there? If you disagree, why not just say it?

If you’re a wolf, you’re trying to be careful and it’s backfiring. :upside_down_face:

I think I’m done making my case for now. Time to wait for villagers to get online. I’m pretty confident about this one.

Jake is LHF territory and for a different reason than you, a Wildcard. Its a wagon that id like to see develop before making judgements, not actually jumping on it.

Do you feel Jake is the likeliest scum on Amelia wagon? There has to be scum on there.

I think Jakes alignment heavily ties in with Marshals alignment. Jake was the vote that brought it from Marshal hung to a tie. Since Marshal dies today, we should have our answer.