[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

DiEs IrAe sOuNdS LiKe SoMeThINg a ScUm PriEst WouLd HavE


Starting skill(s) indicative
Starting weapon(s) indicative
Not ability indicative

Town: Tries to flavor-solve the game and then uses the first mislynch that got cleaned as a wolf lynch for their VCA.

Town, after losing: We only lost because the Syndicate is OP.


Maybe it was being informed looking in, but I felt u were so much more just genuine in your emotions during that interaction

Like, aside from them you had a shit-ton of misvigs, both PRs outed extremely early, protectives were basically protecting a lot of wolves, not a single WoW or Bounty was used despite you having a Noble and a Princess, people tried to mech-confirm themselves in a closed setup, and what have you.

town: Is told there is anticlaim, 1/3 of the game claims, tries to flavor-solve lynch, use cleaned town flip as wolf flip for VCA, also misvigs someone n2, and has almost all of the wolves in towncore d3

Town: syndicate OP

Obviously I was innocent but DiEs IrEs = ScUm PrIest and MyStiC LinKed

also the prince softing to the wolf d1

and then the AC claiming d2

This… was really nonsensical.

IIRC you had a little over a third of the BD’s actual roles by the end of d1 despite the Justicar’s warning.

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I didn’t particularly expect an automatic claim sensor that would pickup me joking to be Priest to evade night kills

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I think we had 6 claims (and knew luxy was prince/justiciar but never got a mech confirm)

and I think there were 18 BD

Softing’s basically a completely dumb thing to do, tbh.

Odds are that the protective didn’t catch it, but the wolves did.

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You were told there was anticlaim

and claimed anyways

even if it was a joke

you can’t just go “Oh well I was just joking, anticlaim begone”

Anticlaim without counterplay is not something I expected
It’s an unbaitable anticlaim mechanic

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uh the counterplay to anticlaim is to not claim

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Like, I expected Clown Fiesta anticlaim
Not unstoppable infinite anticlaim

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ThE CoUnterPlay to BamBooZle Is to NoT uSe WinDowS

well that game wasn’t clown fiesta

it’s not alice’s fault that you guessed incorrectly about what the closed anticlaim was and then claimed

ThE CouNteRpLay to DeSiCiVe StrIke Is To NoT PicK Up ThE SurViVOr