[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

that’s just what happens in the game
a guy from the Loptrian Empire takes over Jugdral, but he is defeated by the descendents of the original main characters

it’s entirely possible
but I wouldn’t count on it
mainly because the best unit combinations in FE4 involve incest and… yikes


Isnt the relatively newer fire emblem like that? My character always married the maid, but couldn’t they marry their siblings?

In Fates, technicallly Corrin is not siblings with any of his siblings.

I agree that it’s bullshit but in FE4 it’s real, proper, no way out of it fucking your cousins.

Oh, just cousins? Laaaame. Throughout real history you had ridiculous times where literal siblings got together to “keep the blood pure” like some sort of mountain village nonsense.



you manage to bring a girl/guy home
you do the deed
next morning you ask “have we met before”
“oh yeah, wasn’t it at the family reunion?”

Wait wait wait

Now that I read that a second time, isnt it saying that her mom liked his dad, and that they were both siblings?

eh, fuck it


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Sulit sees incest and /ins.




EVO, Ginger and Sulit are in, so there are currently 20 players…
Lacking 4 more players, huh?


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will this kill the people in the arena?

T h u n d e r d o m e

@DatBird, I’ve added the people who signed up, but I can’t change the title of this thread.
Anyhow, good luck finding 4 more players. Given that you have 5~7 backups, you should be fine.