[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

Kokichi Oma

The Ultimate Supreme Leader

  • The Ultimate Supreme Leader (Passive) - If you fake-claim and any member of the Forces of Despair believes your claim then you will gain a 1-shot use of whatever you fake-claimed. This can only happen once per cycle and you cannot repeat the same action for multiple times. If you claim this passive then you will both millerize and vanillize yourself.

  • Awareness (Passive) - You are immune to anti-claim effects. If you were the target of an attempted claim vigilante, you will know, and you will be alerted if the Forces of Despair role-copped you.

  • Bluff (Day) - You begin with an item called Commemorative Medal Set. This item by itself does nothing but if you manage to make the Despair Chat speculate on its use then you will gain up to 100 Monocoins, depending on how much they are speculating its effect. - One use

  • Detect Lies (Day) - If you previously claimed a believable red check on a player, if they are a member of the Forces of Despair and believe it then their alignment will be publicly modpeeked. - One use

You aligned with the Forces of Hope.


This is basically FPS - the rolecard.

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I would’ve loved to see Priestess with this

If a game is secretly bastard when it’s not told it would be, then yes, that’s wrong

but that is not what it was. Alice’s words were not a lie. She was telling the truth.

I really wish I had that.

I just showed example where they didnt lie from their prespective but game was still bastard

I would have loved FPS - the rolecard

I FPS’ed a lot in dangan because I knew specifically how the anticlaim worked

…the game was not bastard as I didn’t lie.

I said there would be anticlaim mechanics.

A third of BD softed or outright hardclaimed for no reason by the end of d1 and that helped the wolves plan their night actions by a lot.

I remember in Clown Fiesta I was town and fakeclaimed three times. So of course, me thinking I’m a neutral killer with this in play

Queue KyoDaz:

Also KyoDaz in a neighborhood: I’m Phoenix Wright

I dont think your game was bastard I think with the way anticlaim is expected to be usually a claimvig you cant blame ppl who relied on anticlaim being that

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is this about Lying Darkness anticlaim or Syndicate anticlaim

half the court claims

The Syndicate wins!



Emilia was referring to Lying Darkness I believe with this btw

That entire game was the biggest meme

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That ‘entire’ game lasted a good 24 hours

Bigger than Marg’s Bastardized Trash Can?

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I need to see this.

Then again I could imagine every single game Margaret hosted to be bastard

she’s the queen of bastardization lol