[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

I’ve asked what they would like their English username to be - as English is the only permitted language in FM games

I’m waiting for their preference. If I don’t get an answer I will be giving them a Chloe-selected :tm: username

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watch me land five ITAs in a day

what’s that

can you eat it




lol nice one N.

im a fucking moron ok

…hm? What did I miss?

Why not Yidali?

He edited in Katze and then edited them out. As he didnt catch up.


…oof. I was literally watching reading the OP before I read this.

Funny; both this game and my game require only 3 more players.

FM> mental Health

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You think not being in game can stop me?


i want to rand the game already

( ̄ヘ ̄)


Mods say you need to change to an english username, mate
So what would you like?

Technicly we cannot enforce a name change here.

This name is perfectly fine with all the rules.

Chloe claimed otherwise i think?

I have no qualms tho.

I mean, english is only avilable language in forum games, sure.

But your name is… not really part of the game?