[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

but then again I might just get lynched D1 again

To my knowledge chinese ppl didnt know of zebras until recent years

Also 斑 can also mean stripe :^)

Like Im probably wrong, its just I remember hearing this in yt vids in the fe circle.

See? I’m missing meaning of a lot of signs.

But tbh Chineese is rather easy to learn exactly due to certain words being logical combinations of other ones.


Its communicative enough for me. It’s fine.

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Oooo! What type of setup?

I mean, I doubt anything can really suprise you after I sent here link to my research presented on international pediatrics congress in Arab Emirates.


I don’t think I did something weirder than that :thinking:

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Sounds much less weird than mafia AI contests for example, since that’s not your field from what I know?

Eevee is probably one of the smartest people I know
Just slightly behind some of my aerospace profs.

I’m double major:

  1. Programming with specialization in computer security
  2. Audio design

Whole my family is after medicine tho, so I helped them with data analysis for theirs researches and got sucked into medicine research world due to it.


3 more spots.

Tbh AI contest is something much less weird if you look at what I studied at uni.

Not to mention I actually took part in programming competitions when I was younger, lmao.
When I was in high school, we took part in local team contest and scored 1st place against team from 2 different local universities. They were so mad, lmao.
At uni my best results in team contests were 2nd in country and 28th worldwide.

And many, many, WAY TOO MANY worse results :stuck_out_tongue:

Including not being able to go through elimination round most of the time.

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When i was in highschool i got 2nd place in an unofficial ping pong tournament. there were 4 players

Needless to say
I think i’m quite accomplished

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i think you had higher score than me in an r6 game once

My greatest achievement


Oh, I also won award for best table soccer player at my uni

Just to be rekted by best player of other uni in my city 2 days later


what this be

Probably foosball


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You mean… foosball?

trying to think who can be pinged :thinking: