[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

you mean the game i can win just by pumping my hands back and forth very fast?


you have to post ads elsehwere now
p sure we’ve exhauseted our efortfts

Uh rephrase that


Flicking banned

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the game I can win just with the goalie

hyperspeed pumping :^)

I’m pretty good at foosball

that and air hockey

im godly

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I had my own foosball table.

Which kinda recently broke.

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the game where i never lose
again, hyperspeed infront of the goal :^)

3 more places. Can we do it guys?

air hockey is good reaction time + WiFoM

it’s such a good feeling when you trick someone into thinking you are gonna bounce it off the wall and then send it flying straight in

I really don’t want to multitable with Amrock’s game.

Sure, lemme msg Amrock to modkill ya.

I taught Amrock how to play mafia, he won’t refuse.

Can someone please tell me what WiFoM and WiM means? Those are like two of the seven things I still don’t know

at this point i feel like eevee is like the creator of mafia or something

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Well threw it in MC Mafia lab maybe we will get another one or two

Wine in front of me. Classic scene of will he wont he. Watch the vid
dont know the exact but usally will power to play

Asked my friend he’s thinking about it

sweet thnx for trying