[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

A rare eevee game

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Hi cheese.

H e r o s h o t s.



theres like a 10% chance this turns into an /in later and a non-zero chance i go back to spectating

i’d prefer not to sub in on D1 but that may change depending on where my head is when this starts


V i l l a i n s h o t s

Shots that look like heroshots, but were performed by a member of the informed minority.

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Or perhaps it should be 100% chance of /in.

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I’ll cheer for you from the spectator chat Vulgard.
Can’t wait to see you getting shot 5 minutes into D2.


Even if I’m not :joy_cat:wolf.:joy_cat: I’m ready too.
Hoping to at least get some wolves (or villagers, depending on the rand) before I die.
Also hoping to get a character I actually know.


popcorn mafia him

My only familiarity with FE in general comes from Mangs and I haven’t watched his full playthrough of 4/5 yet.


I kind of hope you get scum just so I can see you try your best. Something tells me it would be glorious.

That’s your job.

If I rand wolf, I hope for a good team so I can get carried.


in that case i probably shouldnt in if more players are needed

well now i have to in and carry you :sunglasses:

you carried a large part of LotR

Two types of people LMFAO

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Vanilla Nightless was the hardest carry of my life.

I was outed :joy_cat: wolf :joy_cat: and they let me live because lolgreencheck.

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you carried yourself that game by playing weird as hell in that one unspoken game

which let me get away with subbing into a very non-villager vulgard slot

I just noticed your title.
It’s an abomination.