[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

I know, there aren’t even any wolves in it.

In all probability I’m starting as town again. Though I think my FM experience is a little stunted from not being starting wolf.

Alright, everyone.

As we all know, one of the most important things you can do as a villager is to make yourself obvious town in order to remove yourself from the PoE.

I’ve stolen this useful chart from MU in order to assist with making that determination.

Thus, in order to prove yourself villager, you must take the worst hero shots you can, as early as possible.

This is a fact. Anyone disputing this is probably a wolf.


so shoot vulgard for freelo


Also I was going to joke about you leaving me alone to spectate with Astand.
But then Jane signed up as well.

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But what if wolves do it too? It’s EV+ for them.

are you implying that the chart could be wrong

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m doing.

IC: reveals day 1
Hero Shooter: FAKE REVEAL! /dayvig IC
insert IC flip
Hero Shooter: haha i gamesolved


Hero shoot as wolf N1.
Become “Confirmed town from N1 onwards”.

tOwN iS sCuM, i HaVe PrOvEn It!


arete is posting this picture pre-game to give themselves cover for when they sub into a wolf slot and ITA the towncore


No, no, empirically as a wolf in ITA games I take very safe shots that just happen to all be on villagers, and post shot lists of consisting of nothing but villagers, and then when people are like ‘wow you’ve pushed like 4 consecutive mislynches/misshots, what gives’ I’m like ‘yOu NeEd To ReAd My MoTiVaTiOn’

I’m concerned if this community even has enough people to fill a 24 setup



phew, the game is finally eevee free


So how do I pre-in a game that hasn’t started sign ups yet? That happened in SFoL 60 which had some people pre in.

That’s generally done by messaging the host

How I join?

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