[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

you manage to bring a girl/guy home
you do the deed
next morning you ask “have we met before”
“oh yeah, wasn’t it at the family reunion?”

Wait wait wait

Now that I read that a second time, isnt it saying that her mom liked his dad, and that they were both siblings?

eh, fuck it


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Sulit sees incest and /ins.




EVO, Ginger and Sulit are in, so there are currently 20 players…
Lacking 4 more players, huh?


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will this kill the people in the arena?

T h u n d e r d o m e

@DatBird, I’ve added the people who signed up, but I can’t change the title of this thread.
Anyhow, good luck finding 4 more players. Given that you have 5~7 backups, you should be fine.

It’s an ITA duel
The ppl will go back and forth until one hits
The loser will not die but the winner will be granted the opportunity to take a legendary weapon of their choice, for free, should they meet the prerequisite (capable of wielding that weapon)


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If the generation change is triggered early mid-day, the day will end with a forced no lynch as every living player transitions from their first to second generation character, having their abilities change slightly.

In ur classcard, u will know what character you are set to become in the 2nd generation, but u will not receive that new classcard until if/when you are alive when the second gen is triggered.

Would agree with keeping with a no-death kind of thing otherwise we’d just force the PoE to duel themselves to death.

It’s also keeping with the flavour
In FE 4 and 5 arenas, the loser doesn’t die; they survive with 1 HP and the winner just gets tons of gold.

In FE 6, 7, and 8 arenas tho, the loser dies lol

also are players allowed to give money/items/weapons to other players?

Who wants to bet I’m going to be killed by an ITA again