[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win


If Hja flips town what do you do next

Nerbins/Squid/Marg on the chopping block please

/vote Margaret

Vote Count

H_Hjasik-Datbird Solic Maxwell-3/6
Datbird-Ici wazza hja-3/6

His defense has been highly questionable.

Your plays have been highly questionable


/unvote for now.

Wich defense do you disagree with

The defensive, accusational one.


Quote post from me you find questionable

I will a bit later
Too tired now.

Oh wait I already unvoted.

I seem to have a chronic addition to unvoting.

I wake up and see no posts

Same, and thats usually bad sign, cause it means mafia is not trying ti change way of things.


Unvote master strikes again!


What are everybody’s thoughts on DatBird?

(I.e: am I being overly paranoid reading somebody for a single post but going super micro on said post?)