[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Isaac has not changed into some bizzarre unreadable higher form of mafia player while I was taking a break.

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are u stupid or stupid

Funnily enough…

…he has, like, literally.

no I haven’t df

Well, from my point of view, I can’t read Isaac.

He calls everyone a noob so much that it gives me a headache just reading the text.

The fact that you’re trying to argue that my being out of practise means that I can’t have reads rather than simply those reads being wrong.clearly shows how fallacious your argument is.

are you going to add anything or just defend yourself.


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Yeh, but the simple fact is HOW you defended it.

Explain why me thinking Isaac’s entrance is natural is wolfy, please.


If I think my literal only villageread because it’s like 1 hour after SoD is under risk of being randomly shot of course I’m going to defend him.

You just messed up.

I was defending why I DON’T have a gun and why Isaac should take his vote of me.

Isaac has no reason to vote me according to him.
(also brb parents are back home)

my reason is because noobs out /s

You’re trying to say I’m wolf, but your arguments are, on the face of it, total shit.

I shouldn’t have to defend myself but there’s literally nothing else to do. The only good thing about this is that you are pretty much derpclear right now.

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I’m 99% sure derpclears don’t exist.

They do, simply because everything you’ve done so far dosen’t mesh with what I’d guess wolf!Wazza would do.

Now please, explain to everybody why I’m wolf in terms that actually make sense or simply unvote.


But I’d like Isaac to unvote also as he does not have any reason to vote me.

Not even a bad reason.

Great I’ve missed 300 messages rip