[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Isaac thought it would work but it didn’t, obviously.

Yeh I read my flavor text as my abilities.

Hey Ici

Council of Bastard hosts unite?

Screeches again

Can someone give me the tl:dr of the conflict I just missed?

Okay, I can’t tell if you’re fucking stupid trying to take things out of context or you’re doing it to make me seem suspicious.

You’re smart enough to know what I’m on about and you’re starting to piss me off more than Isaac did.

Wazza open wolfed hard on accident and has to call it a reaction test to avoid suspicion

Some guy has bomb and its coming to kill us all

And you know what.

/vote Wazza

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Get me then Get Margaret tomorrow.

Fucking got it?

Uh well yes but actually no?
She only got annoyed after you started unnececarily pushing her to pass the bomb. That -_- was tired, not irritated.

I also love the fact you’re trying to argue against me judging Squid’s post looking like it’s definitely not faked by saying Squid can fake that.

Thanks man

Knew i could count on you to just admit it so we could get it over with

Nah, I just want to confirm you as wolf, that’s all.

And fuck it, if it’s going to take my death a 1 for 1 deal would be a good deal here.

Seriously, does anyone else want me to give Isaac the bomb so it could possibly go away when he gets modkilled?

What scum would beg for death?

Self voting is an admission of guilt and has been used before by flailing wolves to get town to unvote

Multiple times on this forum, think you did it before aswell

okay for seriousness though.

You’ve turned my opinion on you around with this post.

Do it now. I’m guessing that the bomb will explode if he dies.

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Maxwell, Maxwell…

Dont worry about it

Its just a flailing wolf dont mind them