[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

But lynching players based on individual scumminess leads to just lynching a lot of LHF

Season 5 Champs

The aim of Day 1 is to lynch an individually wolfy player, with an actual wolf flip being an optional extra. I’ll start with associating players on Day 2, when we have definite info to go off of.

If I were you I would provide a hypothetical solic scum team. Trust me, refusing to provide one makes you look a whole lot worse than giving one, even if it turns out to be off.

But if that player was completely alone in thread (no clear help at any point), it could lead to a pointless lynch.

I’m following Math’s PoV that associations catch the most scum.

It’s worked on MU

And I’m following my personal point of view that if we focus too much on associations early on we don’t get accurate reads. Or at least I don’t.

This is simply bad theory. Associations must be developed as early and often as possible so that they may be analyzed for use in future reads. The more reads town has to consider, especially from early on, the better off they are down the stretch. Period.

The point of early game is not about reads at all

Empty speculation is not helpful for the village in any sense.

Solic has been acting individually scummy, trying to start, but not start several pushes.

Eevee even made a point about their Nerbins read factoring into things

It is developing associations early which is the key.

It does not have to be empty.

No, it’s developing reads early on and then using those reads and other people to create those associations from Day 2 onwards.

This comes from a similar point of thought as ‘town never lynches scum d1 so we should just nolynch’

That’s why it’s interesting what was the plan they had about bomb and Nerbins being afk.

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I’m not saying that people shouldn’t interact, of course I’m not. I’m simply saying that speculating too much about who is wolf with who is incredibly distracting later on.

Solic has been pocketing Maxwell, trying to get him to bomb an inactive Nerbins

For example, I accept analysing an individual interaction to get two seperate reads on the two parts of the interaction, but I don’t think trying to analyse the overal nature of the interaction early on is helpful, i.e: w/w, v/w, etc.

That’s a pretty good case for them being scum

@Icibalus this is what I mean

See, that’s a fair read. I just don’t believe in trying to name “[blank]'s interactions indicate they’re wolf with [blank]” reads is good early on.

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