[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Why are you so concerned about this bomb instead of actually trying to find scum, which is you know, the main objective of the game…?

Because I know it’s still around. If it blows a Town, we know that scum will get one step closer to parity. Plus, however the bomb was handled could show the alignments of some people through how they interact with it such as lying about who they passed it to

Everybody vote for this btw, so scum can’t doublevote and get a doublekill because everyone slanked on the vote.

Yes, or you could just scumread the regular way, which I haven’t been seeing much of. :roll_eyes:

Lying about something as hyper confirmable as passing a bomb is also stupid af for a scum for like what even benefit? I could only pull that off because I was neighbours with Maxwell.

Can we policy lynch hja

There are multiple reads to Scumread, Solic. And I’m disappointed in your lack of confidence of it being another method of scumreading.

Can we lynch her, because she is actual scum?

I’m very dissapointed in your lack of actually applying this wonderful new way of scumreading Squid.


Who wasn’t voting during d1?

If the bomb was given to Nerbins and he passed it to someone, he hasn’t said who he would pass it to. With that, it makes me question his behavior which I view as slightly scummy.
@Nerbins Hey, got anything to say?

I think there is one scum in the non-Soul voters and one that didn’t vote at all

squid Maximusprime Nerbins

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You mean Hjasik for instance? :smile: Just read her interactions this day with me/Ici.

I’m pretty sure she’s town from how deliberately obnoxious they are being
Which I don’t want to be the case

But eh

You mean exactly like how deliberately obnoxious Soul was being? This is such a bad way to townread someone imo.

Soul was being defensively obnoxious.
Hja has been consistently trying to get on players nerves from the moment they went into thread

Hja has exactly been defensively obnoxious too.

Have you looked at their posts

Y E S. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Then your conclusion doesn’t make sense