[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Fine, all I have to do is pass it by midnight. That’s why I’m so anxious to find a good person to pass the bomb to (and I’m actually considering whether it’s better to pass it to a villager or to a wolf).

lol wtf is this

why would you want to pass it to a villager

We don’t know when the bomb explodes. It’s implied that the bomb explodes at LyLo, and even then it is likely exploded by a passive.

Benefits of trying to pass to a wolf:

  • Information can be gleamed based on how they pass.
  • If they forget to pass it and they are wolf. we get 1/3rd of our wincon.
  • If some other condition makes it explode then there’s a chance they could die from it, removing wolfy players from the PoE or advancing our overall wincondition.

Benefits of trying to pass to a villager:

  • We are more likely to know their allignment (I’ll explain).
  • As such, we control the bomb’s position for longer and can manipulate it to a wolf when we are more certain about who to kill or when they kill.
  • It may be harder for a wolf to pass AS a villager and may out them if we make a mistake.


You misunderstand. The overall detonation may be different from the 12 hour detonation.

im already scared

Well, if we have a hot potato, I’d argue there’d HAVE to be a detonator to have it not simply be a +swing constant in the design that can be easily removed. If you wish I can explain.

im the one who gave you the bomb right

Give it to me and you wont wake up in the morning.


And that’s a threat.

you should give it to wazza for saying that lmao

Trust me. I can kill during today.

Pop it on me and the game wont continue with you in it. Even if I explode.

no you can’t?

your passive is killing someone during the day?

What do you think about my thoughts on bomb passing?

Well yes and no.

you know your passive 100% right?