[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

To pass it to me honestly.

I don’t understand my class myself.

but u know ur passive?

It says I only have day abilities and it says I can kill players.

My passive is Redacted according to my classcard.

/vote wazza


Yeh you just kinda threw yourself under the bus then.

i refuse to believe that a villager would pass you a gun so either this is RNG or the wolves gave you a gun for bonus abilities.

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I don’t have a gun.

I will literally hug you to death.

so ur a ghost

Well yes but actually no.


don’t hug me plz

If you’re a villager, somebody else’s passive gave you a G U N (probably).

In other news my gut says Isaac is village, so I guess I’ve got to get you to NOT shoot him for now?

bs your a villager with a day kill that you somehow know of

I was NOT given a gun.

I have never been given a gun and my class STARTS with a killing ability.


Okay, listen up you.

You have until Firekitten reponds to convince me not to kill you.

lol go ahead stupid

And your gut readings wont convince me to not kill him.