[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

so within the next 2 hours

If you want I can make it and I’ll be on when you can tomorrow

I need to eat soon as well

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, ArcticXI, YouButWorse 3

Votes are locked.


your choice to be honest
i don’t mind either way

@YoubutWorse look at BfA 2

Quick hammer = bad

In that game the wolf was universally townread and they quick hammered in 15 minutes and lost

anyway do you care to explain why you said you didn’t know you could unvote

I’ll just wait. If you can somehow convince me to vote arctic, then I wanna see it. Doesn’t seem to be much harm in waiting either (except for the people who just want the game to end)

Also I have one question for you Gorta

Explain this.

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Let me play this game and when I get the chance I will make a thing

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we basically did all of this yesterday lol

the only thing you’ve accomplished is making it worse for yourself

like with this

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yeah, its not really that much of a quick hammer when youve already had a full like 48 hours to defend yourself + 1 other person pushing you

I am not in the position to. I have to eat soon and am on my damn phone.

Give me until tomorrow

we barely discussed kiro yesterday, it was mainly just you and i

you would have already sent the key things for your case, and clearly it hasn’t done anything

most of your new points will be weaker

but do go ahead and try

I need a bit to cool down anyway

Just had a big fight