[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

I can see where you’re coming from. I think I wouldn’t focus on the first and third points too much, as it’s essentially a tone thing.

I do understand your interpretation of the second point, and it seems like we simply have different conclusions about his intention. So there’s that.

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your response appears as though you have been forced to explain why you think silviu is sus because you’ve been caught out jumping on the train, rather than you genuinely thinking silviu is sus

you are sending all of this now, but you didn’t pick up on any of these things earlier

I’ll have to take a look at min and Silviu

The best defense is to start solving

There will be no quickhammers

Quite frankly, I didn’t pay much attention after I got lynch, but I will read your ISO from that game

Nah, I did pick up on them earlier but I was at a doctor’s appointment and didn’t have time for an adequate response, just enough time to read through missed messages and write very brief responses lol. Unfortunately I don’t have much of a defense in that regard.

your behaviour earlier (and vote) indicated a much stronger opinion than ‘not 100% convinced silviu is a townie’

…I’m sorry, but FM is a potentially highly stressful game. If you can’t handle it, then this game isn’t for you. Putting pressure on Silviu was my intention, yes, but it was done in order to get more info out of them as well as seeing how others would react to my push.

if you had a limited time to write a response, wouldn’t it be better to write key things in the small time you had? rather than things like ‘why are others sussing you’

Well then, I’ll say I’m definitely not convinced Silviu is a townie, but they’re not so suspicious that I’d want to hammer them off right away. I was happy Silviu gave his defense in detail, at least, so that does count for something. But I tend to read a lot into people’s wording and the way they write things, so it might actually take me some time to get used to people’s writing styles enough that I don’t vote them because of that.

We need to remember that there will be a few willagers this game and we must keep an open mind with them. Just keep this in mind, pressure is fine, but I think how they respond to pressure will be different than from someone who has played before. I also don’t want to see people jumping on wagons without reasoning. That shit bugs me like you couldn’t imagine

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No, you don’t hammer regardless, we have 2 more hours and if we hammer right now that’s 2 hours we don’t have to discuss. Hammering is always a bad idea, as even if Silviu is a wolf it’s -ev to end the day early

Wait dont we have 26 hours left in the day? I thought days were 48 hours long.

even more reason to NOT quickhammer

I specifically asked that because I wanted to know if Silviu knew exactly what it was he had said that caused others to sus him. In my opinion, it says a lot about someone if they already know what they did wrong or not, and if they can explain and justify themselves in such a way that it removes the suspicion. I also wanted to see if Appelsiini and Min had the same reasoning I did, but Appelsiini claimed it was a facade and Min said… something that I need to look at again.

Yup, they are.

For more clarification - it’s like how when you vote someone up and they just ask, “Why me?” as if they’ve done nothing wrong. If they can’t see what they’ve done wrong, they’re either faking it or they’re actually just very confused lol.

you are changing your level of sus on silviu due to the pressure i am putting on you, really?

you have not had a single ounce of consistency in any of your thought processes as well as the level of sus you have and frankly your train of thought is all over the place

/vote WindwardAway

in a position like that when you are being sheeped by several people, accurately trying to explain why different people have voted you is very difficult

you asking that question seemed more like an attempt to reduce silviu to an even more vulnerable position knowing that he wouldn’t be able to come up with a good response to it


You scared me there, Gorta.

What do you think about Min/Windward? Since they were willing to accept my scumread just like that.

Did you see my replies to you…?

Vote Count

Gotta Track 'em all

Voted Voters Votes
Silviu200530 WindwardAway 1/5
Min Appelsiini 1/5
WindwardAway ArcticXI 1/5
Not Voting Min, Gorta, Cheese, Kiro, Silviu, YouButWorse 6

Ah! I thought I answered it, my apologies Min^^ I think your reasoning is fair, but I’m going to stay on you for a while longer and see what happens.


Idk about this. If everyone votes someone for the same reasons more or less, I feel like it’s a pretty sound argument then? Of course if it’s scum leading the votebait then I just have really bad reasoning.

It was a figure of speech, though. I was never convinced that Silviu was a townie. I never said that I thought he was, and when I said “not 100% convinced” I meant less than 50% convinced, if that makes any difference.

But there’s actually something else I want to go back and reread, that I think I may have missed, so hang on for a moment.