[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

That’s exactly what I was put off by too, along with saying that he was countering or questioning other things that people had said in the day, and I didn’t really see any of that in his posts. Plus the fact she only voted silviu after Appel voted him

I wouldn’t say they changed their perspective, but they did stop pushing it. I wouldn’t say it’s wolfy, since they supposedly want to see more from Silviu.

I don’t have a good solid scumread tbh. If I’m being honest I kinda sheeped and voted with you because i personally thought you explained your thoughts kinda well. I think kiro is ob town because of his wacky behavior I don’t think mafia would do + he did it last game as town and Arctic just seems very towny the way he literally has an eye on everything and has pointed out posts explaining why he doesn’t like them makes me believe he’s town.

Sorry about my bad replies. Falling in and out of sleep.


if you aren’t using your fake push on silviu to expose people who hopped on the train irrationally (like i am doing now), then may i ask what was the actual purpose of this? if you read silviu as town and then didn’t plan to gain any other insight into how people responded, then what was the point? all you seem to have accomplished was place a lot of unnecessary stress on silviu

It’s okay. Sleep well~!

You never voted with me, nerd

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Yeah but I personally agreed with you

Mostly I don’t vote early incase lolhammer

Wolves aren’t always as obvious as it seems. It’s not rare for wolves to do what Min did, for example, as they don’t want to be held accountable when the person flips town so they do this thing where they comment on the person’s behavior from the sidelines but avoid getting on the wagon/directly scumreadinh them. That’s why I’m placing my vote on Min.

I already explained why I chose to ignore Windward, and I believe I got – and will continue getting – valuable info from that RT. Even without those things, the thread wasn’t really that lively and needed some spice to get it going.

That’s fair. What did you think about my real read, then?

I have no problem … Although yes. Mainly i was mad at cloned but all good. I also said that he thinks similar to me. I don’t mind killing an innocent to rule things out.
And I never said that I had many victories. I said I had a lot of games played. I have 32% winrate in ranked

is this not a complete 180 in terms of perspective? initially she accuses silviu of trying to bait information from townies and then after the facade is dropped she says she ‘meant’ to say that silviu was just trying to collect information?


Silviu’s been pretty analytical about reading into what people are saying or how they’re saying it. But here, he’s suggested Gorta is a townie and that townies typically talk freely and openly, and for whatever reason “one of us” actually makes me feel less like Silviu is a townie. It’s an easy and casual way to slide suspicion off yourself.

I’m honestly not overly concerned that Silviu brought up the PR or that he speculates it might be investigative. That didn’t raise any red flags for me. (Not sure if it should, though.)

This here made me wonder if Silviu was trying to hint at something. I mean it’s a perfectly valid point, but it also felt at the time like he was going to use it in his defense if he got voted. (And he didn’t; he went with demonstrating his playstyle through a previous game.)

He legit asked this question before Appelsiini voted him. After seeing him use his previous game in his defense for being voted up, I still feel like he already planned ahead of time to use it to his advantage if he got sussed. I guess a townie could also plan a strategy for defense ahead of time instead of scraping together a defense on the spot, but the premeditation of it really does make me feel like he still is possible scum.

This looks like a loaded question to me, like “if you trust your gut you’re going to be wrong”. I know Appelsiini said it was a facade to get information, but I really do question this response from Silviu.

Aaaand I’m gonna throw shade on this one, too. This goes back to my point earlier about saying “one of us”. Maybe it’s real, maybe it’s fake. But I still think it’s fishy.

So I think that was my full reasoning on why I was quick to follow Appel in voting Silviu up. That’s not to say I don’t suspect other people, too, but this is as far as I’ve gotten with quote analysis :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not sure if she was specifically referring to Silviu there. @WindwardAway?

Surge understands what happened. You voted for the person who was 100% town and it emerged was also 100% town. So i don’t understand that

Edit: emerge = surge … translate

But let’s forget the last game and focus on this one please


Considering there’s actually more thought put into it I believe it’s much better.

I’m aware I prob looked bad but as I said it’s mostly because if I’m being honest I just kinda followed your read because I didn’t have any on my own.

No, I didn’t mean to say I thought Silviu was just trying to collect information, but I didn’t want to edit my post and was trying not to reply for the third time in a row to clarify lol. I did mean to say “scum trying to determine which one has the power role”.

Alright I understand some of your logic in this. Not sure if I 100% agree with it, but I can see where you’re coming from.

And yeah, I meant in general as well when I wrote that.

does this really warrant the stress placed on silviu?

Because Silviu provided his defense with examples from a previous game to show that’s just how he plays, I might be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I’m still pretty uncertain and that’s why I’m not retracting my vote yet. As I said, I’d rather see more interactions from other people first, but I’m also not 100% convinced Silviu is a townie. Not really sure he deserves a hammer, either, though…