[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

I don’t understand what error you are talking about … But yes. I’m a bit bad at writing

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Oops, I hit send too fast. Gonna finish my list here and give my opinions on everyone so far.

Min is just naturally very friendly, and I honestly feel like they’d be friendly regardless of whether they’re scum or not. I’m not going to judge off their friendliness, but they didn’t vote on Silviu. I’m sure they were doing it to be cautious, but I’m not sure what kind of cautious. Like, cautious so we wouldn’t hammer Silviu just yet, or cautious because they don’t want to look suspicious? (Unlike how I went ahead and cast my vote anyway)

Although Appelsiini faked a scumread on Silviu, I don’t know what to think of that. As I said earlier, it could have been a legit town strategy to bait scum into voting Silviu, but it also could’ve been a scum strategy to bait town into voting Silviu as well. Since it could go either way, I’m really unsure of this one. Guess I’ll see how it goes, which is not very much of an opinion :confused:

But isn’t that why you would think someone is mafia? Because they stay in the background?

Curious to know, do you think there’s a chance it could be both of us, or only one of us? Since I’ve continued to push Silviu, and imo that would be a kind of shitty strategy if we were both scum.

what does the pronoun “it” refer to here

bingo. Honestly I just don’t know how I can add my input into the conversation and I’m still trying to figure that out

it = he = cloned

Fair enough. Have you caught up on the posts yet? Do you have any reads on the rest of us, or are you still figuring things out?

Actually both.

Obviously I didn’t want a hammer, but I don’t want to be wrongfully seen as scum when I’m simply not. (Hilarious enough, appel voted me)

I can admit I just blindly followed appel, and honestly I can see how that makes me look bad, but I hope you all understand where I’m coming from.

I’ve got some reads but I’d rather keep them private, mainly for my own sake because I’m not at all confident on any of them yet

I said it at the beginning … I know more or less cloned and I thought he was working on finding out who the mafia was. If someone does not speak much it is because they want to keep their strategy a secret, because they want to “analyze” others without getting involved, because they do not have time or because it is a mafia

Well… considering mafia want to keep their strategy a secret and want to analyze others without getting directly involved, it does point to a pretty high chance it’s mafia by that logic.

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On another note, I’m going to be honest and say it took me half a (real) day to realize the in-game day would be 48 hours, hence my writing a lot of short, meaningless posts right at the start of the game (to fill my post quota). Won’t happen again lol.

I never said the mafia is doing it. The mafia can be even the most active of all. I’m just saying that I still don’t trust cloned much and that I won’t follow min

I feel like mafia may be more inactive then active in this game, especially since its new people. I think the people who arent speaking are the most sus

Most likely newb mafia tbh

Night kills will give us information 4 sure

I feel bad for saying I want to wait till someone dies at night to draw more conclusions lol. But that’s how we’ll get more definitive information, and if someone who’s suspected of being scum dies, then we get a LOT of information.

Nah don’t feel sad

People flipping is really the only way we can have real information

That’s why we can execute today. If we want to hang someone we go for the most suspicious person today

Btw, I’ll say this partly in my defense and partly as a tip to others - sometimes as a townie, it’s good to be a little bit on the suspicious side. If you’re suspicious enough that the town thinks you may be scum but you aren’t suspicious enough to get voted out immediately, you’re generally also not the first candidate to get killed. If you straight-out behave like town, and everyone knows you’re town, imo you’re more likely to die at night.

And, that being said, there are at least two people who think I’m sus, so maybe I’m at risk of getting voted out. I’ll wait and see, though.

Hey min, I know this was really early on, but what did u mean by this? It’s been on my mind ever since you said it so I’d like to know what you meant.

I think it’s about something that I said that caught his/her attention