[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

The safest bet would have been to hop on a vanity wagon and accept death yesterday. Maybe we could put our focus on finding wolves today if I did do that.

the main concern isn’t you moving your vote from cloned

it’s you moving your vote from clone to silviu who you said multiple times is your highest townread and you will refuse to vote them

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If I recall correctly it would go to a tie and then either me or cloned dies.

No, I get that, why do you think I keep saying I screwed up. I should have just let myself get lynched instead, but I am not one to just give up.

Ah I forgot, you had the next greatest number of votes.

Damn, if I had just unvoted. I thought it was closer

so what is your scumlist atm? from most town to least town

and what would your combinations of scum partners be? i can see your main idea is cloned and YBW, but say if you were to include kiro and gorta, what combinations of scum make the most sense to you?

I thought I was close to being tied with cloned

I may or may not have lied about self-resolving so people would unvote quicker
I was expecting you the tracker/watcher claim to confirm me

See, this is actually what I thought would happen, and I was wondering what would happen if I actually didn’t confirm you but followed someone else instead. But I thought the chances of confirming both you and me during the night by following you were much higher than the chances of my witnessing a kill, so I tracked to confirm you. I also figured either way, you wouldn’t kill last night because you’d assume you would be watched for pushing the lynch on Silviu.

So the information we have now is confirmed that both you and I are PRs, and that neither of us died. That doesn’t give everyone else a lot of new information, though… does it?

You know for a fact I’m a PR.
I don’t know that you are, because me asking “why you are scum” kinda implies that I visited you…

@clonedcheese I think I know what you are, but I won’t say

lukewarm take:

scum likes to leave me alive when I’m wrong
I argued that Appel was scum yesterday
Thus Appel is town

Oh, I thought that was just a bait question lol. Either that, or you’re a framer, but it would honestly be a bit dumb to frame an investigative PR if there aren’t other investigative PRs to see the frame.

…I litterally just revealed what I was

ok i went back and looked and kiro’s vote on gorta was actually only a pressure vote

so i definitely still think both of them can be scum

I’m still conflicted on wind
My rolecard tells me they’re scum

Things today that support this idea:

  1. Their “supporting” claim was a pretty easy one
  2. They’re alive and min’s dead. Maybe I’m good value to be left alive for tunnel purposes, but Wind?

Things that refute this idea

  1. Litterally their fucking claim

this was the only thing kiro contributed about gorta… which is quite frankly only stating what we already knew


Kiro put his vote on Cloned at the end, though, and then didn’t remove it.

It’s easy for you as a mafia PR to take literally any action on me except roleblocking and then claim you investigated me as scum, that’s the thing. So it doesn’t tell me if there were two people on me last night or only you.

Cloned means to say he’s claiming second investigative town PR and saw me turn up scum last night. I tracked Cloned and I confirm he was on me, but I have no idea if he was the only one on me.