[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

So then why would you vote them if they were your highest town read?

I gave my explanation of that

I’m not gonna be so quick to vote today. It’s more likely someone will get hammered by mafia if we vote too early imo, since we lost 2 townies already.

So in that situation, we should just vote out all 3 of us since 2 out of the 3 would be wolf.

By the way was this correct? I wasn’t sure if i understood the situation correctly

Why would appel and gorta be a 2000 move of iq?

appel has been pushing on gorta

Yeah, that’s basically the synopsis, Cloned is an alignment cop and I’m a tracker, but Cloned found me as scum when I’m town (at least as far as I know).

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What would it change if there wasn’t a framer? I assume it would make Cheese a likely wolf with someone else, but I want to hear your take on this

I have something to say. But i’ll wait

Not trying to speak for wind here, but from the way I see it, Cheese confirmed that they visited Wind last night, and wind saw this using his tracker ability. Cheese then says they found wind as scum. This would mean that if cheese was scum, their other maf would have had to make the kill and that cheese is lying about what they did. BUT if cheese was visited by a framer, then their results would have been altered and they would both be able to confirm eachother (if they aren’t both scum and the actual town pr is outing for some reason)

say it say it say it say it say it

I have played enough games as mafia to know that the kill is separate from the night actions, meaning that a mafia cop can work the same night as the kill

Just re read the beginning thing, misunderstood it originally, but if cloned did kill somebody wouldnt wind also see them visit min?

I don’t know actually, ask the hosts

In an hour or two I want to check into Appel and start my re-evaluation there

Yes, this is what I was saying earlier, too.

I’ll get back to you again in a bit, playing ToL now xD

Could you answer my hypothetical question?

If there weren’t a framer, I’d suspect Cloned as some kind of mafia PR and Worse as a goon who killed min.

Yes, and Cloned would have expected me to confirm them either way as PR, so if he’s mafia he would be smart and tell the other mafia to take the kill instead.

The problem I have with all of this is why wouldnt the mafia just kill them instead? If there isn’t a framer, and cloned is a lying scum, why wouldnt they just kill you instead of min?

Because I was already sus so I’d be a free lynch today.

But I’m thinking Cloned might actually be real town cop because by claiming I’m scum, he risks getting voted out just as much as I do. It’s a risky move for mafia unless you’re smart about it, and his role is less confirmable than mine is.