[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

In the world of Cloned being scum PR the other scum could carry out the kill and cloned visits wind to verify his role and do the thing, but I don’t know why Cloned wouldn’t push Wind in this scenario.

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actually worse makes a decent point

Correct. He got a scum reading on me and the fact that he’s giving it some consideration makes me think, among other reasons, there’s actually a scum PR that’s a framer. It would be a good play from them.

I meant that Cloned got a scum result, not a scum reading lol. He said I turned up as scum last night, and if he’s actual scum it’s a risky play because he has a chance of getting exed as well.

I’m becoming more and more convinced that there are 2 scum among the rest of you and that one of them is a framer, but I’m just repeating myself at this point and would like some perspective from the others when they’re awake and have time to read through everything. After that, I’ll update my readlist and post it again because there’s a high chance there’s going to be major editing from me.

I was afraid to say it but I thought about it and I think it will be better to clarify things. Even if I put my life at risk

I have a question first. Can there be 3 town with strong power?

It’s a closed setup so we really have no idea. But 3 out of 7 town being PR seems like a very strong setup for town, so idk, unless the setup is actually adjusted for a smaller player count by some means. Like maybe the hosts found a way to balance the roles so that they’d complement each other, and there’s a mafia PR, two town invests, and one town protective.
But I don’t really know if we should be speculating on that or not, since it would make the protective PR an instant target. On that note, if there is a protective PR, please don’t out yourself.

can I whisper with someone?

Unfortunately, no. Only the mafia can whisper with each other in their own chat lol.

Now you give me more doubts if I should say or not what I came to say

But this is an important moment and we must be sure to eliminate a mafia

It’s possible I guess. That seems awfully town sided, but this is a newbie friendly game, so it’s possible.

It actually doesn’t say here whether the majority of the roles are vanilla or not. It also says all roles are either normal roles or variants of normal roles, meaning there could be something that was slightly adjusted to make the game more balanced. But I’m not sure what that would be.

The thing is, if there are some “variants” to power roles, it could mean that the power roles are somehow watered down, which would also implicate there might be more PRs than we think.

And that possibility is making me kind of nervous, since 2 VT have already died. If town has more than 2 PRs, it means we also have a higher chance of mislynching a town PR.

Give this some thought because I’d like some opinions on it, unless someone says it shouldn’t be discussed.

Actually, 3 town PRs might be balanced if there are also 2 mafia PRs but that would be a hell of a game.

Well I’ll tell the truth then. And I will express what I think


If you are about to claim what I think you are softing I wouldn’t

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Unless you have any contradicting evidence

can this wait until tomorrow?

It’s never good to have more claims

if you have contradicting evidence then by all means go ahead
But if you have supporting evidence then shut the hell your mouth
We can listen to it tomorrow

gorta you here?

I’m still formulating reads about ya and I wanted to ask ya something

In da flesh

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I also have a question for you, how good are you at reading Appel?