[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

[mental lag]

I was waiting to see cloned or someone else show up and give their opinion on what is happening now. I don’t want them to vote like they did yesterday. I am new but I consider that voting in the last minutes is not good


Thank goodness we have 2 hours lol. I’ll be back shortly, but I just caught up on reading.

your wish has been granted

I didn’t have internet for a moment and I don’t know why it could be. But I only see 2 messages after mine and it doesn’t help me

Thats all there is, nobody has been posting

I told them I didn’t like this. I had a feeling … that many would not be in the final moment. Or maybe … The scums are talking in private right?

@WindwardAway @clonedcheese

really need you two here as soon as possible

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I’m back. I wanted time to think about what to write and also to get on my computer so I can have quotes to support it.

It’s not a good look at all for Appel to read Gorta as bad town, vote Gorta, jump off Gorta after the hypocrisy is pointed out, then jump on Worse because he’s the next easiest scumread. That really tells me nothing at all about what Appel actually thinks of Gorta. Does she already know for a fact he’s town and she’s given up trying to push him? Is she a wolf who is casually throwing a random vote onto her teammate so that if she flips scum, Worse is cleared? It wouldn’t be out of the range of possibilities.

The thing is that, if Appel is scum, literally anyone could be her teammate. She could have coached someone to fake claim a PR, which would mean that Kiro, Cloned and I are not in the clear if she flips scum. We unfortunately don’t get a lot of information from Appel flipping scum except that her teammate is extremely unlikely to be Gorta (and I also doubt it would be Arctic).

However, because Gorta held onto consistent reasons for pushing Appel despite his screwup on voting Silviu yesterday, and Appel has not had consistent reasons for voting Gorta, I’m more inclined to townread Gorta over Appel. I’m not saying that either of them is particularly high on my list, but as it currently stands, I’d place Gorta higher on the townread list than Appel.

As of now, we’ve seen both Gorta and Appel snap at each other under pressure, so on its own that doesn’t tell me which one is a wolf. But we’ve seen Gorta accuse Appel and vote Appel under pressure, and we’ve seen Appel accuse Gorta and vote him, pardon him, and vote someone else under the same pressure.

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tl;dr - if we have to vote between the two of them, I’d say Appel cracked under pressure and is more likely to be the wolf.

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Vote Count (I thunk)

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Appel Gorta, YBW 2/4
YBW Appel 1/4
Not voting ArcticXI, WindwardAway Kiro, Cloned Cheese 4

Ping me with any errors, also put your votes on a separate line for future notice, they can get lost in paragraphs even if they at the end

Roughly 1 hours remain

what would be your thoughts on killing YBW right now?

at the moment i don’t really want to kill YBW
let’s assume that we mislynch today

the worst person to mislynch would be YBW because if he flips town it tells us basically nothing

however, if appel flipped town then i would definitely start suspecting gorta again

not that i am saying YBW is town, he probably isn’t, but in the case that he is then we learn nothing

Oh yeah, I forgot to get back to you on that. I agree with your reasoning. If Worse flips town we really don’t have anything new to go off.

The thing is, if Appel flips scum, do we have anything new to go off? Imo that opens up even more possibilities for scum pairings because I can pretty easily see anyone besides Gorta being scum with Appel. The advantage it gives us is that it would get rid of the one who is probably the more dangerous of the two wolves, but I’m sure in that case she’s already given advice to the other on how to handle the night kill.

For that matter, I think we get more information from Gorta dying, because I don’t think we have Gorta/Appel, Gorta/Worse or Gorta/Kiro as w/w, but I’m not keen on lynching him over Appel and it would be a really dumb move for me to vote based on where I think we’d get information, rather than voting based on who I think is the most wolfy.

I’m holding my vote for a bit longer. I want Cloned to weigh in again before EoD.

Do we still think one of the PRS are lying? We shouldn’t vote on that, but it should be important for tomorrow

I think there’s a good chance if Appel flips scum, that one of the PRs is lying, but I don’t want to point fingers yet. If the PRs are smart, they’ll follow the protection chain plan I outlined, and either we make it to the next day with all 3 PR claims alive, or one of us dies and we will have to determine whether one of us is lying.

i’ve never really understood why everyone thinks this, can you elaborate?

if appel flips scum then from my POV this is the only possibility, so yes

I said this before, but if one of the scum are in that protection chain, then they aren’t going to attack anyone in it. They know that would blow their claim and would get them killed.

well then that means windward will survive and be able to track someone, hopefully confirming someone as town/mafia

Also, Appel towncleared Cloned on D1 from what I recall. I think there’s a good chance Cloned is independent of Appel even if Appel is a wolf, based on how Appel complimented Cloned on improving on his readings from his previous game, but it’s not to say it’s not possible.

In terms of Kiro, I really only see Kiro as scum with Appel tbh. I don’t see Kiro/Gorta because if Gorta is making suboptimal plays, he certainly wouldn’t be advising Kiro to suddenly claim town protective when we already have 2 PR claims. I don’t see Kiro/Worse, either because of the way they’ve been playing and because I don’t think they’d last very long as w/w.

I’m aware of that already. But they have to also consider the fact that I’m not stupid enough to promise to track one of the remaining 3 non-PR claims at night, and not one of them. It would be extremely easy for the scum to sneak by if they assumed I wasn’t tracking Kiro or Cloned, and left one of them to do the killing, and of course I’m not going to out who I track until the night is over (assuming I’m alive).
And this doesn’t clear me from being scum, either, because I could be a mafia tracker and make up bullshit to frame someone, unless I’m the last wolf alive and that would be risking my neck if my lynch frame flipped town. If I survive the night, and at least one of the other PRs is alive, tomorrow I will ask Kiro and Cloned to claim exactly who they were on last night before I out who I tracked.

i feel like if appel was really a wolf she would have kept up her push on gorta
giving up at the last second just seems a bit weak, like she is actual town and doesn’t want to cause a mislynch

i legit can’t tell anymore