[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

I’m sticking my vote on Appel. They’ve seemed sus to me and the way they pushed gorta so hard just to jump off it doesnt sound like town at all to me.

no, because he referenced a 2v1 he means that we kill gorta first and then appel

Alright so I’m confident in this

As long as both kiro and I are town, wind lives until the final 3, and they would have information on the remaining 2.

And I’m pretty confident in this outlook; if kiro is not town, I would die, and we would know that the team is Appel/Kiro 100%

What I’m getting at is regardless of who we kill here, we just need to kill the other in the case that the one we killed was town, and windward should be able to carry us the rest of the game

Even if cloned voted me you can vote with your own will

well it doesn’t matter who we kill first

we just need our order to be gorta/appel -> the other -> kiro/someone that wind found


/vote Appel

please don’t forget about YBW ok bye



follow this


Im kindve excited to see how appel flips tbh

1 Like

oh boy what a responsibility

If I’m a wolf, I think you guys would be screwing yourselves over lol.

I’m not, but I’m just saying

Ok, I’m going to vote now.

/vote Appelsiini


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Vote Count (I thank)

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Appel Gorta, YBW, Cloned Cheese, Windward 4/4
YBW Appel 1/4
Not voting ArcticXI, Kiro, 2

Ping me with any errors in ur cc u got 5 mins


good news: I have SoD2 flavor up

bad news: I don’t have EoD2 flavor finished

Appelsini was executed they were…


Vanilla Town

You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Night started and will last 24 hours or 2020-11-24T23:10:00Z


EOD2 Flavor: Yall killed Appelsini, and now you have to deal with the moral repercussions of your actions. You all are murderers


EoD2 flavor

When the remaining seven members of the group awoke the next day, they began to panic, looking around for Min. Their bag and Pokèball were gone, but their sleeping bag was still there on the floor of the cave – clearly they hadn’t been planning to leave. But there was no sign of a struggle, and when they searched around the nearby area they found no trace of them.

At last, they decided to just keep walking through the cave. Still, as they walked, they began to discuss what had happened.

“I think it was Appel,” said Gorta. “Appel and Min are good friends, so she could have easily won Min’s trust.”

“No?” said Appel. “I wouldn’t do anything to Min. We don’t even know what happened to them, maybe they just decided to leave, for some reason, and didn’t take their sleeping bag with them.”

“That’s obviously ridiculous,” said Windward. “I think you’re just making up obviously false ideas to confuse us.”

“Can we really afford to risk exiling another innocent person from the group?” said another person.

“If we don’t risk it, they can just keep picking us off the way that they did with Min,” said someone else. “We have to take the risk. Here, let’s give her a repel–”

“I don’t need your ‘repels,’” said Appel. “If you’re going to be so unreasonable, then I don’t want to travel with you anyway.” She tossed a Pokèball into the air. “Go, Abra!”

A yellow Abra burst out of the ball, floating in the air. “Abra, use Teleport!” shouted Appelsiini.

There was a flash of blinding pink light, and the world seemed to twist sideways. When the group could see again, Appel and her Abra were gone.



Actions lock in 14 minutes

clonedcheese looked around at the rest of the group members. The rest of them were sleeping, but he had an obligation to make sure that no harm came to any of them. He hadn’t told any of them about his plan to catch the Team Plasma members red-handed; if they knew, they might tell him it was too dangerous or try to stop him. He absentmindedly scratched his Rattata’s head.

“Clonedcheese,” said a voice from behind him. Clonedcheese turned to see two trainers standing in the shadows.

“So it’s you!” he said. “What’s to stop me from waking everyone else up right now–”

“Come and catch me, then,” said one of the trainers, darting into the cave.

Cloned hesitated for a moment. He could wake up the others, but he’d be putting all of them at risk. He called back his Rattata and chased after the shadowy figure.

The figure led him deeper and deeper into Victory Road. At last, he found himself in the middle of the cave. “Are you going to challenge me?” he shouted at the shadowy figure.

“No, I think my work here is done,” the figure said.

Clonedcheese took a few steps, but as he did, he found himself surrounded by Steelix. He tried to dodge around them, but he was surrounded. “Go, Rattata!” he shouted. But the normal-type attacks of his Rattata were no match for the resistant steel. At last, his Rattata collapsed to the ground, exhausted. With no other options, clonedcheese forced himself to use an Escape Rope.

Clonedcheese’s Rattata has fainted in the night! He was:


Town Bodyguard

You are a Town Bodyguard. Every night, you may target a player. If they die, you will die in their stead.

Defeat the Mafia.

Day 3 begins and will end in 48 hours, or earlier if a majority is reached for execution.


Attention: The game is now in LyLo (eliminate correctly or lose). This means that votes are locked – once you have cast a vote, you cannot change your vote.
