[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

O. Glad I was able to help!

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Vote Count

Gotta Track 'em all

Voted Voters Votes
Silviu200530 WindwardAway 1/5
Min Appelsiini 1/5
Not Voting Min, Gorta, Cheese, Arctic, Kiro, Silviu, YouButWorse 7
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I personally find it NAI. How they handle the situation will reveal more, I believe. I’d rather make my conclusions then.

I can at least do my part to explain why I was so quick to hop on. When Appelsiini was quick to vote up Silviu, I hopped on because Silviu was already the first suspicion I had, for the reasons I explained before Silviu gave his defense. I didn’t vote earlier because I thought it might be too early to vote, since it’s my first game and I don’t really know when people typically start throwing accusations and voting.

That being said, I’m not inviting quite yet. I want to see how the day goes for a bit longer before I change my mind.

Damn autocorrect. I meant to say “I’m not unvoting quite yet”.

if you suspected him earlier you could have outted that rather than waiting for someone else to and then joining

True. But what I think might be suspicious behavior might not be suspicious at all to people who have played FM before. :sweat_smile: And I wanted to see where that went.

On that note, I’d like to ask a question - do we typically vote someone off already on the first day, before any night actions are taken? Or is it wiser to play the waiting game?

you could have asked about this when you sent why you were sus on silviu, but instead you made reference to how others were also sussing silviu. what’s the point of having sus on someone if you need others to validate it first?

i was going to ask the same thing myself

You don’t need to be afraid of voting or expressing your opinions here. Don’t worry. Start of Day is usually the unofficial random voting -phase / meme-phase, since that’s what we usually do. Unless it’s impossible in the setup, I think it’s very rare not to vote someone off day 1.
I believe it’s important to say this, but it’s also a bad idea to hammer before the day is almost over. We want to use as much time as possible deciding.

Because in similar games (namely ToL) I find that kind of behavior to be suspicious, but there are slightly different game mechanics here. People vote up and then pardon in ToL if you have a convincing defense or if they want to wait and see what happens (or if there’s a prince to jail the target player instead), so I don’t really see too much wrong in voting people up quickly, but I’m also rarely the first to start upping people :roll_eyes: That does kind of hint at my personality and how I play social deduction games, for better or for worse, but I tend to keep my suspicions to myself and watch “from a distance” as interactions are going on until I feel like it’s a good time for me to step in.

Anyway, from what I’ve gathered so far, there are 4 people who have been pretty analytical so far on who they speculate to be scum or not. It’s partly because of the time zone differences so I’d like to see how this continues later before I form more opinions. :smile:

I totally didn’t finish my train of thought - I meant to say these people are actively collecting information from what they’ve seen so far, and that makes me think either they’re townies or they’re trying to determine which one has the power role.

Ah, this is a dangerous misassumption. If someone gets enough votes (=gets hammered) they will die immediately. Unless you’re still referring to ToL there?

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so now one of three things happens next, right?

  1. you’re going to detract your vote from silviu simply because appel did, indicating that you only voted him in the first place to get a mislynch because you are scum

  2. you’re going to retract your vote and completely change your train of thought (with little explanation) - indicating to me again that you are scum

  3. you leave your vote on silviu because you are town and your read on him was genuine

i guess if i really thought you were town and you didn’t do 3, you would wait for silviu to prove himself to you further but it seems you already chose option 2

So far I don’t think Windward is town. She seems to be going with majority and mentioning that they already see sus but looking back at the posts I don’t personally see what they’re talking about at all. I guess I’m mainly asking Windward if you could show a few examples of exactly why you thought Silviu is sus.

Hold on, I’ll pull some examples. I couldn’t figure out how to quote from my mobile browser so RIP examples, but I’m on my computer now and I’d gladly quote things with explanations now.

I’m just going to point out that people are always allowed to change their minds, by the way. Whether or not it’s wolfy, we’ll figure that out. But no one should feel like they’re forced to hold onto an opinion.

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the main issue for me is that initially you said you were sus of silviu for exposing power roles, but after appel revealed their facade you then changed your perspective to silviu trying to determine which faction has the power role

your train of thought makes no sense from a town perspective and you were both very quick to hop on the train and then hop off it

the problem was how quickly windward hopped on and off the train, both with little explanation

You need to highlight the text when on mobile, and there should be a button that pops up.

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