[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

^ This. Please wait to write it until later, when the others have given their reads etc. I want them to give an opinion before you claim something and put yourself or the rest of us at risk.

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…I’d like to direct you to corrupt votes
That was me reading Appel at my best

Well, I think we are all getting played by Appel. Didn’t you notice how Appel started out by voting me and then starting part of the suspicion on the wind/cloned conflict? What’s your question

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I just vanquished my question through facts and logic

I might have more questions, but none right now

Appel was universally townread, so there was no suspicion on Appel

At this time I townread Appel

for the same reasons I townread them during CV which is alarming

Damnit, you go to ask me a question and then go “haha sorry, I don’t have one”


I have a problem reading Appel. I want to make a higher effort read on Appel here because if they are a wolf it’s over if we don’t do anything about them

i think I have a general idea of what’s going on

wind and gorta, how much longer are you planning to stay awake?

I have a big read I wanna get through with everyone and I’d prefer appel to be here, as well as both of you

sadly the time difference makes it hard

I should be sleeping, but I can be up an hour.

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^ This

^ So here’s the thing. If Appel lies low, doesn’t vote a mislynch out, and doesn’t kill a PR, but gives neither towny nor wolfy vibes, it’s a good setup for her. She keeps her commentary objective and either frames me or tells her teammate to frame me so that the chances of the town mislynching a town PR go up. That way, if one town PR gets mislynched, the other can be killed at night, and even if Appel gets found out, that’s most or all of the town PRs out of the game by the end of N2. That’s optimal for the mafia.

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I think I’m gonna head to sleep in about 15 minutes but be up in 8 hours more or less.

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Basically I think this is a moment that I can’t let go of. I honestly think cloned is hard scum and we should have voted for it yesterday. I think that cloned wants to blame Wind, which is a town that has a role of power And cloned wants to do what artic said and what I was thinking too … Cloned wanted to convince us to kill Wind and that his mafia team have a better probability of winning, he also said that he had a role of power as a last resort so that they do not vote for him. After claiming to have a role of power, he also cloned saw that no one else said that someone else had a role of power so he decided to keep quiet and not push him to wind so hard. Many of you asked that if there was another power role, I had to say so but at first I did not understand what that was. I thought about keeping quiet and trying to heal someone. I also thought that the best move was to lie and say that it was VT so that the mafia would not kill me. But I feel that there is not much chance that we will be 3 town with power. That makes me think that cloned tried to go unnoticed and making us think that there was a framer and I think that it is very difficult for that to happen. I’m actually doc. That’s what he had to say. I hope you can help me understand things. I don’t think it is possible to have 3 town with power. I do not know what to think.

or if y’all are both town the other pr gets accused the next day

Oh shit. I told you not to out yourself. :confused:

Most likely i will die anyway. But it’s because I think cloned is fooling us all

first of all why did you out your role and second of all what did you do?

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Well, now that Kiro has spoken his part, what do you think is going to happen? If Appel’s a mafia mastermind then I’d think she might have expected this to happen.

Kiro, you just made yourself a priority target if you’re telling the truth. RIP

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what did I do?