[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

we can force wolfs to be active at the very least

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That’s why I wanted a reason for inactivity from PKR, and they gave a good reason (school).


I chose to noaction N1 so that I can use my ability when more information is presented and to prove myself if required.

Can you tell me what RC means, please?

I get that outing docs is bad, but he’s in the PoE either way so if he gets dunked then that’s +EV for us.

Role cop

Role cop.

Friendly reminder Italy was maf gladiator and mechs mean nothing. A world where alice is mafia invest is v real. Dont let anyone use mech role as defense when I’m ded.

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We keep PKR because he is useful and as for Cloned he isn’t really useful and I think Cloned should be lynched today

…you can’t confirm yourself with this kit.

Like, you can technically confirm that you have a track, but a wolf tracker is a very possible role.

Hippo, you’re not even a wagon. Are you expecting a night kill?

Whenever I need to prove myself let me know which ability and who on.
I can have jailkeeper confirmed too, Alice.

you lynch a scumlean
“they’re vanilla” is not a very good reason to lynch

I’ve been saying this for an ass-long time.

Only clearing claims I’m taking are ICs and Masons.

If Alice uses a Defence using “Mech” then they scum slipped because Alice even said it’s a bastard game and they don’t trust mech info.
So watch and see if Alice ever contradicts this because if they do they are confirmed scum.

Yes, because I’m not a wagon… and active.

Why would mafia kill a wagon? Wagoned ppl they wanna mislynch.

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Gtg, dinner time!

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It doesn’t confirm yourself as a V-aligned Jailkeeper.